f*ck my life.

It’s never been fixed to begin with. :slight_smile:

sell it to me :tup: pm me pic and info

i seem to recall stipulations when this bet was made…does this really count? if it does, can i be there when you spend this in the most irresponsible way possible?

Hey lay off. A bunch of ripped out wires will seem like the end of the world when you’ve got a nasty hangover.

:stuck_out_tongue: Amirite?

EDIT: Post - 12:30am, so it seems like the end of the world when you’re drunk. :tup:

ok, ok, ive calmed down and dan hagen is on his way here right now to take a look at it with me.

and yes, the car really means a lot more to me than $300… it could never be replaced, the thing is so strong…

and jay, if it doesnt get fixed i owe you $410 :slight_smile:

I’ll make sure it doesn’t get fixed :slight_smile:


punch your brother in the eye

All this about a beater car??? I thought you were gonna say you had cancer or some other life threatining disease! My god, I know a few hundred bucks may be a lot to you but not enough to F++k yur life about. I hate to see it if you faced a real problem. Chill dude, take a breath & relax…


you’d have to know him, and the history of this car…


anywho, i <3 dan hagen, le cackord is up and running hahaha

jay wonch, suck it soft.

edit: aw man. you fixed. it.

That piece of shit won’t last the winter. I’m not scared. It really is the worst car in the world.

I guess.
I have a cyst on my liver, (beat skin cancer 2ce) as of now it’s not cancer, but I get an M.R.I. every 6 months to watch it. If it grows, they cut the cyst out, if it becomes cancerous, I die.
I guess everyone has different reasons to be upset.

you should still punch frank in the dick.

I vote for a punch for Frank because he needs that but punch yourself too, Jam.

sounds like your brother is dumbass

question: why do you have an alarm on a 300 dollar beater anyway? :gotme:


atleast your mom didn’t steal 6k from you yesterday, and the only car you can drive right now is at her house, and it won’t start. and she has the title. and she wants it out. and you don’t have any money to fix it because she stole it. and you were supposed to buy a car in the next couple of days and now you have to borrow money to make it possible.

^^^ At least…