F-Ing Ebayers.....

i have 2 stick boxes you can have… LMK

Cant leave it in the mailroom at work any more due to “liabilities”

I used to do that, and it was nice… but now i have to take it to fedex/ups

if you come tonight can you bring them? even if you don’t come, don’t throw them out I’ll def take them

I once spent a long time carefully packaging an irregular-shaped spoiler with a 3rd brake light. When I went to ship it, I noticed the location. Grand Island. :feck: At that point it was boxed, so I just said fuck it and shipped it super cheap through USPS.

Are you retarded?

fuck ups, the post office is way cheaper!

If you work late, a lot of FedEx Kinko’s are open 24 hours.

Umm no? You have never bought something off a stranger? I don’t see why people get weirded out by something like this. A guy purchased my motorcycle off ebay (1979 cb750f) I picked him up from the airport in the morning, we ate some breakfast at denny’s and he gave me $100 more then the ebay auction ended at. Cool dude, weird? Not at all.

Now if we got naked and jerked eachother off with syrup in the middle of denny’s that would be weird.

Ring the bell and drop it off, you don’t need to make out with the person.

Why can’t people interact with eachother? Is it no longer human to directly interact with people?

Not just weird but would totally ruin the enjoyment of my moons over my hammy.

No lie…who uses syrup as a lubricant. I’d request some salad dressing.

Charge him the standard 300% ebay shipping fee.

hahahahahahaha this is a great idea

that’s some solid shipping confirmation at least!

It has nothing to do with jerking people off.

When I sell items to people that I don’t know (craigslist etc) I don’t let them pick it up at my house. I will meet them somewhere else. Why take the risk with my families safety. Do I really need someone scoping out my house to come back later?

Is it likely? No.

Is it foolish to think it is impossible? Yes.

No need to be afraid to leave your house, but not wanting to encourage random encounters with strangers from the internet is hardly being a scaredy cat.

Quite frankly, if it happened to me, and I paid a shipping fee, then yea, I probably wouldn’t want him just showing up at my house either. However I probably would be willing to meet him somewhere and pick it up. :shrug:

i ended up dropping it off at his house at the kids request… never met him though, just left it in the front door and took a picture with my phone and went home…

got an email from him ~ 20 minutes later saying thanx…

I’ve had some sketchy run-ins with craiglist people.

I definitely had to lock up my garage one night after some dudes showed up to check out the turbo civic. My girlfriend seriously thought that I was about to get robbed.

Meet up at a public place in daylight, that’s the smart way to do it.

SHIT, I do that with NYSpeeders… :lol:



Duh. If you already know they’re sketchy…