f women

Did you state the following:

“I am giving you this card to show you I am going to give you your $40 back.”

Or did you just give him your card? I always thought the giving of the card was a clear signal of “give me a call, big boy.” I’ll help a chick I’m not interested in, but she won’t get my phone number or card… I’ve helped many a chick on the side of the road with a flat tire, broke down car, stuck in the snow, or an accident. None of them got my digits. I know you did not mean to, but I can see how he thought you might be interested.

Cliff notes - don’t gve your business card out in a nonbusiness situation unless you expect a call.


on the way to work over a year ago i helped some chick in a cabriolet… throttle cable popped off, got her running in 3 seconds… she was delighted and gave ME her number… never called… one night in southside watching my friends band play, she recognized me and called me out for never calling her…

my story has no point.

mp3ray obviously lead that dude on. :kiss:

If I gave a random hottie $40, I’d expect anal and nothing less.

I clearly stated that I gave him my business card just in case, only to pay back the $40. I am all about communicaiton. As a chick I never give out my personal home number; cell phone and work only. but come on, the guy was over 50!!!

no anal, no care



Hehe, I can only think of one guy who wouldn’t go with #2, but he’s gay.

the above list was: Your friend doesn’t find you attractive, or he’s currently doing better, or he’s gay.

No fucking shit… that was my point with the “but, he’s gay”.

Makes you wonder how old he thought you were… :eek4dance

Just kidding. :mullet:

yeah me and lise dated for a very short time and stopped but it was basically because we realised we were too much like brother and sister. I have been friends with her forever and was around a lot when her dad (I used to hunt with him) had a stroke (he was only 40ish).



this is probabably the reason you are sitting around dressing up in skirts and taking pictures of yourself on the shitter.

Ever think of trying to a simpler approch to meeting chicks and getting laid…

chris rock said it best when he talked about guys being polite. We aren’t being nice when we hold the door, we’re just offering you dick.

But really girls that hop right into the next relationship are slut bags for the most part or it was over long before it was offical.

just forget it and leave it…

PS dont take any advice from Devon on this subject


my x calls me for booty calls :cookie:

pics for proof!