Facebook IPO

Anybody watching or speculating on this?


Almost seems like a sure short term bet for it to spike at first before shooting down soon after.

However need a lot of money invested to be eligible for a day trade.

any more growth is going to be small and slow. plus now they have real competition. not seeing it as a wonderful investment… but i honestly don’t know what i’m talking about lol.

I’m betting on it, but not for the Facebook stock. Expect ALL public social networking sites to get a nice jump.

How many more social networking sites are publicly traded?

Linkedin? Or are you talking about dating sites as well?

Just was talking to my broker about this.

the percentage of people that have facebook is insance. theres predictions that it will be 1 billion soon (take a second for that to sink in) and that is with the fact that china has it banned. so yes all growth of facebook in users will be slow because its already so big. but i don’t think its a bad thing to bet on but with the internet things come and go so i wouldn’t call it a sure thing.

Percent of registered users doesn’t equal the percent of active users, keep that in mind.

For a place that has very little AD’s (still non in their mobile AP), and is a free service otherwise it’s definitely a bubble value wise, especially when compared to many established websites in the past that are major players now and it’s clear where they get their money.

Facebook has potential an investors are banking on the sales possibilities. Mark my words AD’s will be a lot more common place once it goes public.

I personally think they’re about a year or so late on their IPO. Maybe statistics tell otherwise, but I think the popularity of the site is waning. I think people are becoming pretty saturated with social networking. Average people are unnerved by security and the convoluted nature of the newest features. Also, the youngest generation, whom will have had Facebook/Twitter/whatever available their whole lives, these services will lose their allure.

They also have these problems with their board structure. It’s been labeled as an unfriendly investment by groups of investors. This is because the company would like to retain its own decision making capabilities. That goes against everything that going public and offering stocks represents? I don’t know what that will mean for people.

That’s just what I have observed. It’s a pure American company so I hope they do well.

I have a LOT of stock in one of the two legal social networking sites in China. The stock rose over 50% when Facebook announced it was going to file for an IPO. It will also continue to rise because the rumor mill has been flying saying the two Chinese state-run networking sites will be merging. According to my advisor, if they do announce a merger, it’ll easily push the stock over 150% of it’s current price. And considering he does not make money unless I do, I will take his word on that, especially with over 20 years in the business with a yearly salary that tops all of Shift’s members combined.

-Cossey on JVG’s account.

My Zynga (farmville etc…) stock has been doing quite well since these FB ipo talks started. Still seems like it has some life left too.

Well it didn’t climb the first week as I thought it would have.


Wonder how it does long term.

Full article as to what is really going on.

I think facebook is going to flop at somepoint down the road but thats just me. When Zuckerberg started talking like he wants to turn facebook into the interenet, the one portal for all, a global ecnomy etc etc… I see it failing miserbly…

I could be wrong though

as far as the stocks go… I could be wrong because I am no financial guru and don’t really know dick… but I think most don’t see facebook as a long term money maker for them after seeing so many other social networks flop. Not only that but facebook makes money on ads, and right now the ads ar en ot in your face… i don’t really notice them and until they are blatently in your face and rittled all over the website and timeline more, once that happens im sure it will get more appealing but when that happens it will piss people who use facebook off

Facebook will definitely flop in the long run and you can already see if falling apart. Banks invested a ton of money on friday to keep the stock above the IPO price and it’s been falling since. Facebook is constantly making changes that no one likes and the more that happens the more it’s users will start looking for alternatives. As traffic slowly bleeds to other places it’ll be interesting to see how quickly that bleed speeds up. The more people that stop using FB the more their friends will make the move to their friend’s alternatives just to stay in touch… and eventually facebook will do the same as myspace and fade into irrelevance.

I hope no one invested in this. If you did then I hope I’m wrong.

Not to mention they still can’t make a half decent phone app.

:rofl:rofl so true

I thought it was hilarious when people talked this up to be the biggest moneymaker of the century. And then it flopped and fell on its face, and I laughed more.

Doesn’t mean it’s going to keep falling. stocks fluctuate all the time

Either way from the get-go it didn’t live up to it’s expectations and there was a huge “if” on whether or not people will trust it, or consider it another “.com” bubble.

Seems like the latter is happening.

Difference being facebook realisticly is not a big money maker, it makes money soley based on one thing that it does not do as well as investors would like. GM just pulled a $10M in ads off facebook because they don’t work.

Only way ads are going to generate the revenue investors are going to want to see is if they make it a pop up or throw it all over your timeline which in turn will piss people off turn them away. It’s happend multiple times, all it takes is a few people to move to another social network, their friends to follow and then it slowly trickles till its dead… happend to myspace and many others

That is exactly what happened to myspace. They kept adding features that pissed people off and trashed up the site.

Facebook came along as a clean and fresh blank slate where things were simple and you werent blasted with stupid music and glittery profiles every time you clicked on a friends page.

Google+ has a problem of just not being “cool” enough to use since none of your friends really use it. That’s the biggest hurdle and problem.

Granted if google+ figured out a way to get a lot of hot/young chicks on there the male population would clearly follow and bring popularity to the site.