Facebook buys Whatsapp for $19Billion


I actually understand this. $19B is a drop in the bucket for facebook and it gets control of the leading messaging service worldwide…

Can you image what they are offering Pinterest right now?

It’s funny facebook is moving towards centralizing everything similar to AOL in the 90’s

Whatsapp is awesome, I use it when traveling the globe.

i think they just want to capture as much of your net-driven social-activity as possible and to scale their ad / search and other engagement tools as possible buying the emerging leaders in each discipline is not a bad idea.

the $19B valuation is a bit wacky but with the gross margins on web ad revenue it’s all just free money anyways.

I realize the big picture but portalizing the internet at some point will fail hard.

The idea behind the internet is everything is distributed

Facebook is already driving away the younger generation

facebook isnt driving away the younger generation, it’s that kids want to be where there parent’s aren’t… and that isn’t facebook.

my mom and my grandmother are on FB commenting on every post that my wife or I make… it’s annoying as hell.

I’ve seen aggressive predictions that Facebook will drop in traffic a-la-MySpace as soon as 2017, but who knows really.

I have Wastsapp on my phone but I never use it.

Facebook won’t die.

I know a lot of you guys don’t use it that heavily but i have to spend hours glued to it every day… with all the activity going on in groups and as a place to set up family events and message people who don’t have smart phones… it’s irreplaceable.

As much as i hate having my mom on FB i talk to her more through messaging over FB than i do in person or on the phone combined.

So what do they get for $19 billion? I have never even heard of this company. I remember the days when everyone knew multi-billion dollar companies because they employed tons of employees, had assets and history, etc. I guess I am old. I don’t know, maybe Facebook needed a write-off.

The same way people said MySpace wouldn’t die

Technology moves very very quickly I realize people currently use facebook for unified family comms there is nothing stopping something else from starting up.

Almost all these social tech companies are extremely overvalued and setting up for another silicon valley bubble

This, I just “unfollowed” almost every friend in Facebook to clean up my feed. I’ve stopped posting on there because my family is like obligated to share their dumb opinion. I really wish Google+ would take off, it really is a great social network…minus the social part. You can find me on Twitter though.

Sent from my MotoX using Tapatalk


A bubble burst would not surprise me for the reasons I posted… Kind of.

Maybe if there were frequently new social mediums it would be harder to track every little thing about every little person… Maybe.

Amazon is prob the worst. company doesnt even turn a profit and it was trading at like x3100 P/E back in Jan…lol

Still, the market is pricing these things for transformative growth which some will earn. imho, Facebook will do what investors are hoping it will do… If Google+ can’t become a worthy contender and Facebook keeps buying anything that could develop into a substitute then I think it’s trading at a fair value.

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lol… FB and twitter turned down the creator of Whatsapp when he applied for jobs there 4 years ago.

Muppet stock.

zion bro

WhatsApp is now worth more than: Blackstone Group, Harley Davidson and The Gap.

Netflix: $25.6B
Tesla: $23.7B
Macy’s: $19.7B
WhatsApp: $19B
Whole Foods: $19B
Gap: $18.9B
Sony: $17.7B
United Airlines: $15.7B

And only has 55 employees

Valuing every single WhatsApp user at $42 each

Any ways keeps the bubble going and keep prices in the pay area insane :tup:

Some great stuff on other forums

that sentiment has to do with the fact that for so many, Facebook was a personal experience that got turned into a trainwreck. That’s why people hate Google+. They don’t want yet another corporation selling their diary but pretending to be something else.

Facebook continues to have their own internal stuff fail so they’re looking to others to innovate and then just buy them.

Facebook Poke, their SnapChat killer, bombed.

Facebook Paper was released a couple weeks ago. They claimed it would change content sharing. It did make it into the top 20 in the App Store but quickly fell and is down to #92 and keeps dropping.

They need to buy others as they can’t seem to do anything themselves.

2012 forbes article

“All the hope and promise and potential for WhatsApp will die the day you hand the keys over to Mark Zuckerberg.”

This is relevant to the attempted snapchat purchase

Yes. Zuck contacted the founder and wanted him to come see him. Dude told Zuck to come to him. Zuck came to see him but claimed he had a meeting in town which was why he was there, not because he was giving in. Zuck told dude that they would destroy them with their product they were launching and SnapChat would be no more in a matter of days. Facebook Poke launched. Facebook even changed the logo at one of their headquarters to the Poke logo. Poke bombed hard. Zuck offered them $3.2 billion for SnapChat and they turned him down.

The think behind all this always is they’ve got so many users so if they can do something to make money, they’ve got the users to make that huge.

i think people are just so stuck in their usage pattern on FB that it’s hard to get them to break out of that. look how pissed people got when timelines launched.

snapchat seems stupid to me though, if i were those guys i would have taken the money and ran.

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I never got into whatsapp or even saw the benefit of getting into it

It’s big outside of America

Pretty much free texting