I have always sworn off Facebook as evil (even tho I have one) with the way they control data and privacy. People think that by simply turning off your settings to block your profile completely hides you (do some research, it doesn’t).
I do have a profile on there with my name and where I work but that it is. I have dealt with them to have my closed account deleted and then reopened it to control what user data is in their system. After their new privacy framework release, there is more evidence that this company is going evil.
There was a survey going around a while back on Facebook and other places that contained the 20 most popular password reset questions and tons of people were filling it out :bloated:
“Waaa, I willingly put my personal private information up on a website that I don’t run, and don’t pay for, I’m so mad they are doing what they want with, waaaa”
It goes beyond posting stuff you don’t want public. Its how facebook controls and owns data. People who are stupid at one point post something and even tho they think they delete it, Facebook controls that data.
Marketing companies pay big money for the data that facebook is able to collect. Things that people like/dislike based on their age/gender/race etc… How do you think the site is so successful when all of the accounts are free? They have to make money, it’s a BUSINESS.
There is a valid argument to those that use Facebook to share things within their network and are concerned about that information being disseminated outside of that network. There is a difference between not wanting anybody to know something and only wanting those you select to know something.