Facebook Rant (Stupid facebook status games)

As many of you know, or as some of you may not know or realize, retarded woman around the world have created stupid fucking facebook “games” to post in their statuses to support breast cancer.

I’m sure you have seen

“Only 6 inches :(”


“Im 4 weeks and craving skittles”

These are some fucking retards bright idea to support and spread the word about breast cancer, heres the thing though, the woman that do this… ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT IT IS. So even if it was some stupid ploy to get you to ask “WHAT?!” and engage in conversation and talk about breast cancer, your not supposed to tell anyone

Now the intentions are great, but how you go about it is fucking retarded. Posting shit like that does nothing but confuse or possibly scare the shit out of people on your facebook and in some cases makes you look like a dumb whore.

Really people? Retarded statements on facebook are supposed to support and spread the word? Even if you told someone oh its to support breast cancer, no one gives a fuck. People who truly want to support the cause for breast cancer are going to buy shirts, donate to foundations, run in marathons, do walks for it etc… Thats how you raise breast cancer awareness. Not some stupid fucking whoreish slogan on facebook that will give you parents or ex/current boyfriends a fucking heart attack.

How does the word to post this spread to people though? Is it some breast cancer awareness page?

Like a virus…

One idiot writes an email to her friends about how their going to do this funny fun facebook game that only we will know what it means, those friends spread it… eventually it makes its way around facebook…

Pls take a Valium and go find something important to care about.

I deleted my FB year ago. Best thing I ever did. Fuck that shit.

I’d just really love to be there when someone whose seen one of these and really thinks the other person is preggo. “OMG your belly is getting soooooo big” “You look really far along”. :rofl


I’m going on like 2 months now. Best thing ever man! :hug

i agree, leave it upto women to start some retarded game like this. Im gonna start a game, ill post a number each day as my status, itll be how many times that day i said something derogatory/degrading to a female. Ill say its for supporting testicular cancer.


Yes! :lol

Dear Shady,
Shut the fuck up.
The internet.

No U.

Seriously though. Instead of fat chicks pretending to make sexual innuendos so that males will notice them, then cover with “its for awareness,” they could all donate a dollar, buy a pin, shirt, whatever.

So one of my facebook friends has the status I’m 18 weeks and craving pickles. How shall I respond?

Tell her to shove a pickle up her asshole.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GATVILLE again.


There are very few things I wouldn’t do for boobies but getting back on Facebook is one of them.

I like boobs as much as any other guy (or lesbian) but I dont understand this shit.

I actually thought it was about quitting smoking.

Its just a corny excuse to get attention, while claiming at some point down the line that it was for a good cause :retardclap

do these bullshit games and chain letters ever really do anything?