you are fucked.
Any tix in the past two years? If not appeal it. If yes, put your tail between your legs and go low profile.
ugh, f cops. so no gun or vascar the first time, but he’ll ammend it to magically put it on later. like you said, the dJ will take his side, and you’ll be stuck (unless he’s wrong on the law, which he’s already proved he’s not the sharpest knife). i’d just pay it and call it a lesson learned. you’re out some cash, no points, and the fTP book gets one page thicker. sorry dude that sucks no matter how you cut it.
ya i feel that im pretty much fucked into paying money. i have a recklas driving ticket that gave me 3 points about a year and a half ago so thats going to be there. i think that paying the ticket is pretty much my only smart option.
i’ve always been afraid to fight the lesser of two tickets if its the only one i was given…i didnt think they could actually change anything though…
Ok in my years of driving (only 4) and having a good amount of tickets (14), i think i know a little about these situations. First, if the guy pulled you over for speeding and you didnt get a ticket, your not going to get one no matter what happens. Second, do you know if the cop was stopped or just driving behind you when He said you were speeding. Most cops dont clock or vascar shyt. They just look and see, if you look like your going fast. Which happens alot, due to if they is no proof “Vascar” “Clocking” your not going to get a ticket. Now this kinda happened to me before. I was crusing, and i mean crusing, down this road seen a cop but, like i said was cruising. Got way ahead of him, and stopped at a stop sign. As soon as I pull out from the sign he got there. Said blah blah you were speeding blah blah. Which I know I was, but never said anything. This is a pretty big key here! When cops always ask you “You know how fast you were going?” you say: ah? The speed limit. (just have a general idea what the limit is) or “Whats the rush?” you say: Whos in a rush officer? But anyway back to the story, fight the ticket he gives me. Then when we were in court hes like blah blah says how fast I was going and blah. Then my turn and im just like how “Can you tell me exactly how you knew how fast I was going?” he interns says “Well I was going xxx and still could’nt catch you” I then look at the judge and say well I guess no one will really know how fast i was really going then… Got off. The thing I learned is dont take shit from cops. At All. I mean Once I got pulled over because “I looked suspicous, leaving school?” I mean I almost got arrested that day because the cop told me that when I asked him why he pulled me over. Don’t get me wrong I see were cops come from, glad there here. But some of them are fucking assholes.
to me it sounds like he couldn’t give you the speeding ticket so he gave you this one. to be honest, i was not aware it was legal to threaten someone to make them pay their ticket by amending it. i was always under the impression you were charged with the ticket and nothing more.
fight that shit.
ask him what he thinks his ranking official would think if he found out he was threatening people…
either pay it or appeal it…no big deal…judge will let you off. It is one of those up in the air laws. I never once wrote a ticket for not having a license cause my interpretation of the law was 72 hours to present it. As for the lady who answered the phone being cocky, anyone who works in or for law enforcement is cocky. That is one of the reason I am not a cop anymore. Can’t stand most of the arrogant piece of shit cops who treat people like crap…unless they deserve it. if you appeal it you WILL win. let me say that again. If you appeal it you will win. Thanks
equals no sympathy. Djs aren’t judges, they can be dicks with pretty much no reprecussions
i dont think you will be revoked, just a hell of a fine if it goes through
The three times i have been pulled over in a 3 year spand i have never had my license on me. they just got my info and that was that. No tickets either .
But anyways, you wont get it revoked…unless you have points already on your license or a recored of multi. violations. You’ll get fined for speeding (cuz from the sounds of it the cop is a dick and will get you for speeding since he was wrong the first time) and maybe 2 or 3 points on your license. But you can always fight it. Or maybe the cop wll see that its awaste of time and let you off.
so ive been thinking…
the law states that i have 15 days to produce a vaild drivers license so i will be visiting this officers station and presenting him with my ID. this is the law and i really dont see how he can say anything but OK to me then drop the fine for the time being.
im almost positive that if he wants to ammend the ticket and to have speeding charges placed on me he has to follow his on ammendment process. he cant DENY me showing him my VALID PA license and dropping the fine for teh meantime.
if the judge allows this officer to ammend the ticket i recieved with a speeding charge i dont see how he can pin a specific amount over the given speed limit on me. he was behind me on the road when imerged in front of him and then pulled me over from a roll. he used his speedometer to determine my speed which he wasnt specific about.
ill keep you guys updated on the situation at hand, i plan on going to his base with my ID on monday december 5th.
how can he ammend it to a speeding ticket? he doesnt have any idea how fast you were going, does he?
just accept yoru ticket and be glad he didnt give you a careless driving ticket…he coulda been a dick to you but instead gave you the id ticket which = no points. careless driving = 4 or 5 pts … i forget… but anyway, just pay it and move on in life.
yeah you do…
careless carrys points and wreckless is a loss of license (6 points)
ya careless is what i got over the weeknd last week.
the officer doesnt have an accurate count of how fast i was going but he claims that he can use he speedometer and judgement.
ive had a few borderline tickets in my day that i have shut my mouth and paid. i really had all intentions of paying this ticket until i called the officer later that night for an explaination of the ticket. He was arrogant, cocky and overall an asshole to me. the trooper gave me incorrect information about the laws under which he ticketed me. i told this trooper what i knew about thw law and still he told me i was wrong until he researched on his own. He called me back telling me i was right but gave a song and dance about how i should just pay it. ill take my chances in court if it makes it there which i doubt.
well good luck…maybe hell jsut not show…those are the best/ easiest hearings.
i think that when i show up with my valid license, this trooper is going to take a personal vendetta against me.