failure to produce license ticket..

okay so about an hour ago i was stopped by a state trooper for “speeding”. i will admit that i was moving at about 65mph in a 55 and incresed my speed to pass a car. i dont know exactly how fast i was going but the officer claims well over 80mph(i somehow doubt this). i didnt however get ticketed for speeding but for failure to produce my physical license. i gave the officer my driver ID number, social and DOB which is more than enough proof i have a valid ID in the state of PA.

i was under the impression that you had a window of oppurtunity to produce your VALID ID? which i believe i already did with the information since he pulled up my driving record. i could understand if i need to show the valid ID at the state police station.

does anyone know the specific law to this?


:bsflag: nissans can’t go that fast :finger:

as far as I know, you would just have to take your drivers license down to the local station with in “x” amount of hours. being a state cop, youd probably have to take it to the state police barracks. If you got pulled over in Allegheny County, I believe there is a barracks in Moon Twp. Thats all I can think of, dont know how true it really is.

sounds like he was a cool cop and let you off with a MUCH better ticket…and i dont think they HAVE to give you time to produce it, most just do give you time while they give you the worse ticket (speeding)…

ok so i found some of the state laws

what i gather from that information is that if i show proof of having a valid ID at the time of the stop within 15 days of being ticketed there shouldnt be any charge.


if thats all he has a ticket for, and its true you have so many hours/days…then there isnt really a worse ticket, because this one would be null in void, right?

thats what i thought too. i cant be ticketed for the speeding violation later since i didnt recieve it at that moment. the only thing he could possibly use it for is leverage if i would take this ticket to court. he can tell the judge he did me a favor and gave me the lesser offense. although i didnt commit the lesser offense i was ticketed for so i dont see how this could end in a judges decesion.


i was stopped once without my liscense. they gave me 10 days to go to the station and show it. but i got the speeding ticket as well.
I’d fight it. i think a failure to produce a liscense ticket = i didnt get to clock you, but i know you were speeding and i feel like being a dick ticket.

he did mention to me about 5 times that i need to pay this ticket immediately so that means it could be some sort of “i wanna be a dick” ticket that i could get out of.

thats what i meant…the cop gave u the ticket for the ID NOT for speeding…therefore was cool

I got stopped once recently and didnt have any id on me. The cop ran my name and address info. He ran it and everything was cool. :boink

what im saying is that what i got a ticket for is not illegal. what i was ticketed for to the best of my knowledge is not being able to produce an ID at that very moment. the state says i have 15 days to produce a valid ID and he knows i have a valid ID since he ran my information.

so go show your ID and be done with it. GOSH!

see i read it like, i want to give you a ticket for speeding but didn’t clock you so i’ll give you this other ticket and then try to convince you to pay it right away to pad my quota and generally be a dick head. :down:

Thats weird. My boy got pulled over today. 79mph in a 65 up the turnpike by the state trooper. Had no license on him. Just gave him a ticket after lookin up his license. Just fined for speeding

this is on-topic forum keep it that way!warning#1

cops were all over the place today. on 837 they pulled a guy over, i have no clue why…he was about 3 cars behind me and there was traffic. so if it was for speeding he could have picked anyone, i figured it’d be me…then about 100 yards up the road another cop had a car pulled over. i hate the end of the month!

okay so i have a much further explaination of my situation for you guys.

i didnt understand this ticket and couldnt find anything on the internet that satisfied me so i called the trooper’s base for more information. i reached some cocky, bitch lady there and she didnt have much of an answer for me. she took my name and number for someone to return my call with the information.

the trooper that pulled me over returned my call in about 15 minutes which kinda freaked me out a little bit. so he instantly gets an attitude because he feels that he did me a huge favor by not giving me the speeding ticket. at this point i still do not understand this ticket i was given. he asks me how old i am and then starts rambling about how i need my license and that even 16 year old drivers understand that. i tell him thats not what im asking. i was asking is it against the law to drive without a license period. the officer explain to me that there are 2 sections which i could be ticketed under. the first being the one which gives you 15 days to provide my license and another which provides you no time to produce it. he ticketed me under the second section. he starts again about him doing me a favor and that hes amazed im complaining. i tell him im not arguing and that i just want to understand. we hang up.

he calls back about 30 minutes later with some more information. he tells me that his previous information was wrong and that reguardless of the situation you have 15 days to produce a valid ID. im like cool so i just bring it to you? hes says yes. the trooper then tells me that he has the ability to either discard the ticket or request a hearing. he tells me that normally there will be a hearing with things like this and that he will have the ability to AMMEND my ticket to add speeding. the trooper than says it is up to the judge to allow the ammendment or not.

so what this all boils down to is this. if this ticket gets sent to court and the judge allows him to ammend my ticket i can get fucked hard. he is going to claim i was doing 85 in a 55. this of course will result in my license being revoked.

i feel as if the judge is going to side with the trooper and uphold the speeding charge. he is going to see me trying to use a loophole to get totally out of a ticket and instead give me the worst possible punishment.

