Got pulled over...

Got a ticket for rolling through a stop sign in collier township [near bridgeville]. I just got down waxing my car (at my moms in collier) and no more than a mile later i get pulled over. :doh: I want to see if i could possibly do community service instead of pay $100 & maybe get my points reduced. Anyone know anything about the magistrate for collier township / bridgeville? (The magistrate is listed for bridgeville PA on millers run road).

fight the ticket and a lot of the time cops will not show or atleast they will drop points or something of that nature

fight it chances are the cop will show but if you plead for no points they will probley let you go

did you get points with the ticket?

or was it just a fine?.. The ticket will say “obedience to traffic control devices” if its just a fine

whats the cops name? im a firefighter for collier township. i might be able to help you out

why didnt you stop at the stop sign? did you think you are such a good driver to run a stop sign. i say you deserve it. just because your dumbass didnt look around to see if a cop was around when you did it.

who here hasent rolled threw a stop sighn . atleast he dident blow threw it

i havent rolled thru a stop sign where a cop was around. i majority of the time actually stop at hte sign.

reason for stopping you never know when a kid or anything will pop out and i dotn want to be the one telling the parents or owners i killed something of theirs.

i always stop compleately at a sotp sighn but that just because i cant put my car in 1st geer when i’m moving

i am pretty sure you are supposed to stop completly at a stop sign. :lol:

ask for a court date and reduction

what fine did he write you up for? If he wrote it up as Failure to Obey Traffic Device/Sign then dont bother fighitng it; there are no points on that fine.

let me guess your syncs?

wow dude you really really need to get off this sef righteous kick your one. you come across as a whining bitch more and more everyday. next thing you know were gonna be reading a thread about you and how you got your first period.

Thats nothing compared to your first ever ticket. :kekegay:


then tell me when i rolled thru where a cop was. i only roll stops in my hood. and i know which ones to roll and which ones not to. to many kids are around to actaully roll them all.

in bridgville not a chance

the ville cops=assholes

and if u o fight it tell them fawkers i want my numchucks back

how hard is it to stop, look, then pull out? :dunno:

sometimes harder then you think thats why i dont chance it and wear a condom :wink:

:eek3: :eek3: :eek3: :rofl: :rofl: