Faith Healing

Absolutely amazing :wow

In March 2008, controversy was renewed when a 15-month old church toddler, Ava Worthington, died of pneumonia; the first known death to occur under circumstances potentially covered by the 1999 law. Authorities in Clackamas County, Oregon filed charges of manslaughter against the parents in the case. Just three months later, on June 18, 2008, Ava’s 16-year-old uncle, Neil Beagley died from an easily treatable condition (a long-term bladder blockage that forced urea into the bloodstream). In neither case did the families seek medical help. On July 23, 2009, the parents of Ava Worthington were acquitted of manslaughter charges in the death of their daughter, but the father was found guilty of one lesser charge which carries a potential sentence of a year in jail. On February 2, 2010, by a 10–2 jury verdict in Clackamas County, the parents of Neil Beagley were found guilty of criminally negligent homicide, with sentencing scheduled for February 18, 2010. Both were sentenced to 16 months in prison on March 8, 2010.


It really works.

Stupid, yes, but I don’t think the government should have a say in how people “heal” their family members, especially if religion is involved. Let survival of the fittest take its course. That’s the real problem today, safety regulations keeping the stupid people alive long enough to breed when hundreds of years ago nature would’ve done its job.

Religion however has no problem dictating to government of how people should use their own bodies and that abortion is bad and is murder.

Once a kid is born, apparently it’s okay to let him die as part of gods plan, even though he could have easily been cured.

Its true, not a one-sided street. There is no seperation of church and state. Any Christian who actually read the bible would have no involvement in government/politics.

Hypocrites on both sides of the fence.

Religion is all bullshit to begin with ! But for people to think faith healing works just shows how mental people are with it . But if that’s what they believe in let them be I think . My wife’s aunt is a true blue bible thumper and thinks in faith healing and when we were there a few months back my back was in bad pain from the drive there , she tried praying and all that shit with her hand on my back lol after her speel I couldn’t hold the laughter in any more and said something about it and I grabbed my pills and said this is what I know works and she was benttttt

“Let them be” is all fine and dandy until their kids, who don’t get a say in whether they use proven medicine or healing die when they didn’t need to, the entire time being told by the parents “if you’re a true believer, GOD will heal you”.

So these kids are left with no other option that lay there believing their hardest and praying for the best. Later they die knowing the almighty being doesn’t give a shit about them and doesn’t think they’re a believer, otherwise it would have healed them. IE they’re going to hell as well.

What a way to go. Fuck these parents.

ugh religion really fucking makes me face palm hard! i work with a guy who honestly believes that angles come and talk to him but what hes forgetting to include in his thought process is the 12 pack of Heineken every night he drinks ( this guy is a serious alcoholic ) but yet he trys to preach about god and shit i laugh at him everytime he brings it up, and this is the same guy who put on a dust mask when he cleans caliper brackets but yet he smokes 3-4 cigs a day when hes here at work… hahaha

Like parents in China killing their daughters because they want a son. You can’t fix it, government can’t fix it. People are stupid.

This isn’t China and endangered kids are actually cared for. When stupidity kills others, it’s a problem. They can kill themselves all they want.

If religion is against abortion and for human rights it better allow the kid who dearly wants to live after being here for a short time proper treatment.

This isn’t even regular religious folk, they “realize” that god provides them with opportunities and tools to make good decisions. He’s not a baby sitter and miracle giver for people who put themselves at risk. You care you yourself first with his help. These phanatics are cooky.

There is a good old anecdote that goes with this too, might share it later.

I know this isn’t China. I guess my point was the stupidity.

I see this daily on Reddit. Religitards like this absolutely deserve inprisonment.

if he is only drinking 12 heinekens every night hes not an alcoholic and they aren’t making anyone talk to him. he is just fucking crazy.

btw i don’t feel like looking it up but is this the family who had another kid just die bc of “faith healing” while being on probation for their other kid who they refused to have medical treatment for die? there can’t be too many of these tards out there…oh wait the south.