Fall Fishing

I got the Raven RPX and Kingpin Zeppelin in Blue. Just buy it once and dont have to upgrade later. Its resell value is good if I decided to sell later on.

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I hear ya! I ditched tge Wallis and been doing the BC swing. It’s getting better. After I learned it, then will move on to the Wallis cast.

Kingpin? Damn you spent some coin!

It was on sale plus the exchange rate, no tax, free shipping. Came out to $500 and change. Figure if I buy a mid range then later upgrade, the money is about the same or more.

I’d be afraid to scuff it! I like my centerpin, but I’ll never turn into one of “those” guys that uses a centerpin and swears off every other form of rod/reel out there. A spinning reel is 100 times more versatile. I do like the fight on a pin though!

im with you on the spinning! I was hoping to hook one on my pin to see what the thrill is, but i have a mixed feeling today when I hooked and landed one today. Oh it will got scratches and bruises just like our cars LOL! The first couple scratches will hurts, but after that it’s ok.

It’s almost like a cult-type of a following lol. Pinners tend to flock together!

The centerpin is just another tool. I think it has its time and place depending on the body of water and the flow conditions. although the spinning reel is more versatile.

For example; I love to use the center pin in the lower Niagara, but would never use it in a low and clear situation on 18 mile erie

I have also out fished pinners by bottom bouncing plastics, jigs or roe using my spinning reel in some of the various Ontario tribs

What time of day does everyone prefer fishing? I’ve always went in the mornings and had the best luck. Now I’m on first shift. I hit up 18 yesterday after work and got nothing. I’m told fishing at dusk is just as good as morning. I don’t know how much I believe that though.

Joelster and I are heading out Friday with another buddy of mine. Cant wait

I’ve caught fish at all different times of the day. I don’t think there is much merit to time-of-day when it comes to trout.

I got 1 today, around 23"

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Hell yeah! You need to tell me where we are going. If we go to Oak Orchard I’ll need to get a life vest tomorrow. Hopefully we don’t get too much rain on Thursday.

I always wanted to hit up 18 miles creek. But just never make it out there. I always ended up going to the Lower Niagara! Maybe I know the area so well. I’m going tomorrow morning to practice on the center pin.

Went this morning with a friend. Landed 3 steelies and lost 1. All on my pin setup. For some reason, my middle finger that i use to feather the reel got all scratch up LOL! http://www.nyspeed.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36237&stc=1

We went to keg creek and seen a couple. We caught two suckers. Not much fun but it was a beautiful day.

Just wondering, do you guys throw them back in or keep/eat them?

100% catch and release here, unless I am on a charter that I paid for and we catch a nice salmon. The amount of fish in the rivers and creeks is a fraction of what it used to be.

I’m getting better at the center pin casting. No tangle, cast alot further this morning. Ended the morning with 2 rainbows and 1 steelhead. Landed this big buck which gave me the most intense fight ever.

Nice! That’s a good size. Slow weekend for me on the erie tribs. 3 small ones. I figured today would be a good day. Water was a good color after all the rain.


That is a beautiful fish! Perfect color! You obviously have that spot dialed in just right.

Thanks guys! Yeah Joel, I pretty much know every inch of that spot. Here is the action of fighting that fish. Ofcourse cut it a little short

What was the water clarity like? I see the black jig so i’m assuming it was real clear.

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I went to Johnson creek today. Was high and stained more than I thought it would be. I landed a sucker :frowning:
