Fall Fishing

Zero weight added. It will dive 3+ feet if you reel it fast so adding weight would make it dig into the bottom, and you’d lose a bunch. I use clear mono straight to the lure. Don’t use any snap swivel on them, they will wiggle differently. Always remove the front treble or it will snag the bottom in the creeks. I can cast it about 80-90 feet as it is.

So at what speed of retrieval? I’m using k5 and k7 so only 1 treble hook.

I retrieve them slow so they don’t dive deep at all. Watch the rod tip and you’ll see it vibrate. I just focus on keeping the vibration the same during the retrieve. As you hit some current it will pull the kwikfish down and make it vibrate REAL fast. When this happens I just stop retrieving until the current stops pulling the lure. They will hit it HARD, like a largemouth bass on a top water bait.

Cool! Thank you very much for the tips.

No problem!

I’m headed out tomorrow somewhere. Looks like the rain is going to miss us, so the Erie tribs will be in even better shape!

I haven’t had a chance to fish at those places yet. Hope I can tag along one of these days.

Do you only fish at Devil’s Hole?

Yes! As I just started this November. I practice catch and release. Tried to keep the area clean. Follow the regulations of the area.

If you only fish Devil’s Hole and you manage to land a few fish every time you go, you will do very well in the small streams/creeks. I find it much harder to consistently land fish in the Lower Niagara. The only thing you’ll need to work on is finding suitable structure and knowing where the fish like to lay when there is current and current breaks. They don’t like to sit in strong current, they like to lay just outside of the current. So anywhere, where you see huge boulders, trees, deep pockets, etc, etc. Polarized glasses are a MUST, especially when the water is clear, you can walk right up behind the fish. They can’t see directly behind themselves. Many times I’ve walked literally 3 feet behind them.

^^^That steelhead was probably 24-25" and 5lbs or so. Never saw me.

If I were you I would make a trip up to Burt Dam this weekend. I know it’s supposed to be bitter cold, but lately they’ve been getting fish out of there. Browns and Steelhead. There should be a few other anglers there so you can get an idea of how to fish it.

Cool! I will give it a try at Burt Dam. Thank you.

I’m bored and it’s snowing out-lol Here’s a good sized hen I got last weekend.


I will play :slight_smile: Second time steely fishing and I got this guy.

VERY nice! Big steelie for sure.

Those are some BIG fish! I’m guessing nobody is heading out this weekend though lol. My temperature limit is 20 degrees.

Ofcourse not :slight_smile: last time I went when the temp was in the 20s, I ran into freezing guides and it was annoying. I bought some Rain-X and sprayed onto the guides but havent test it out yet.

Looks like you got him on a white marabou!

Yup! 1/16 White marabou jig. After that I’m totally hooked!

Went this morning! Had a pretty good morning. The place is empty until afternoon then around 4 people show up and 2 boats. I landed 4 steelheads and lose one in 1 hour. today is my first time using the gopro with the chest mount. Footage is kinda crappy :slight_smile: But anyway here is one clip I just uploaded. Got four on the Gopro. Gonna get a head mount for better angle.



I saw the water on the cast adventures facebook and thought it looked perfect. I am just hoping it will hold out for this weekend,but we are getting 20mph-30mph SW winds Friday and eire is not frozen. So it is probably going to be crap on the weekend. I just hope to get there before it get real bad.

Very impressive! I was down there today too and got nothing. I didn’t see any boats at all. I left around 1:30ish, got there around 10:45 or so. There were 2 guys with spinning rods to the left of me about 60ft away. I didn’t see any fish caught. There were 2 other guys with pins to the right of me, but they left at noon. It started snowing so I packed it in. I tried white jigs, white jigs with yellow heads, pink egg sacks, chartreuse egg sacks, kwikfish, spinners, artificial minnows, etc, etc. Got nada.