Falsified Mileage

Just helped a friend go get a 96 Civic EX, that the seller said had a 150k on it, and this is what the dash showed. After getting it home and looking through some paper work, turns out it has 200k+ Besides bartering with this dickbag, is there any legal action he could take? Reporting him to the police for fraud or what?

10 year + car.

Good luck.

Nope , like glad said 10 yrs and over its fair game

Yeah kinda what I figured. So the guy offered to take the car back, then said he couldnt because the title was already signed, so offered him $200 back. He paid 1900 for it. I am more pissed than he is I think, just the fact he trusted me to look at the car.

Not your fault dude lol

The title for my Neon said 89k but the odometer said 68k when I got it. I told the lady at the dmv that whoever issued the last title mustve put too many 0’s on it.

I didnt give a shit about the mileage on it. I dont even think it had 89k again when I sold it.

why would putting too many zeros matter??

Excellent PJB post right there :rofl:rofl:rofl

like, the last time a title was issued someone wrote 89000 instead of 8900. get it?

He was referring to Jellies post making no sense. I hope you were being sarcastic LOL.

Exactly what I meant.

The title said 8900X on it. I just said it was supposed to say 890X.

lol, yeah so the last owner owned it since 8900 miles and took that bitch to 68000, thats possible. But the way I read it was cracking me up. I was wondering how pjb arrived at 89000 miles from 68000 by adding a zero lol

Its because PJB can divide by zero

LOLZ. Priceless.

this one girl working at schdy dmv needs a legit beatdown. so fkn rude to everybody and doesn’t give a sht abt helping anyone.

I love how this thread turned out. :rofl

Doesnt matter if title is signed if your friend didnt register it… takes 7 days for a replacment title…did it this week.

Short curly blonde hair?

If its who I’m thinking of yup shes a definite douche, I talk to her every now and again at work if she calls. She thinks she’s god’s gift to the DMV. If I wouldnt lose my job I’d be like “bitch you work for the DMV. There’s a list of things that people never want to have to deal with and DMV is right up there with things like having ball surgery, and going to a funeral. Noone looks up to you because of your job.”