Family member loss?

I know this seems like a weird question…lol but who on here lost a very close family member at a young age, and also how did you cope with it? The reason I ask is because I lost my mother in june to cancer and im only 20, I find it hard to get through some days without thinking about it all the time.Just curious to see who else went through or is going through the same thing I am and how you dealt with it.

when my grandfather got murdered in 98 it was rough.
Took about 10 years to accept it, Still pretty pissed that it happened tho.

That is rough man im sorry, i woke up in the morning to find my mom on the floor, it was pretty tough for me. I’m not looking for sympathy from anyone here, just curious on how people deal with the loss of someone.

best thing to do is try to keep busy to help keep your mind of it, im still affected by losing my grandmother over a year ago. thats why i sometimes work 80hrs a week and stay busy.

yeah man thats shitty as hell.

Yeah i worked alot afterward, but i ended up moving to Arizona to stay with my brother and finish up school down here. I figured a change would be good lol

sometimes it helps. sometimes it doesnt. gotta remember at least man, she isnt suffering anymore, and think for what she wants you to do with your life.

Young or old it hurts like hell for a long time. I lost my sister, my wife and grandmother all in a year and a half. It takes time to get through it but it gets a little better each day. It just gets better eventually…

sorry to hear. I had no idea.

My condolences to you and your family.

god bless you

My mom has cancer… I can only immagine what it would be like to just not have her around one day. Sorry to hear man

I find this helps sometimes too, just surround yourself in places where you cant think about it (friends or work ect) but sometimes its still hard.

That is just incredible man… im so sorry to hear that. I seriously wish that on no human ever.

its not easy man, I lost both my grandfathers to cancer when I was 7, my grandmother to cancer when I was 13 ,and this past December I lost my last remaining grandparent my grandma unexpectadly and have been dealing with my dad being more or less end of life since March (prior to March he was healthy)…

Theres not much that can be said or done to ease any of it, I find myself drinking alot these days but thats not the solution

My best piece of advice would be to realize life is only today, things change in the blink of an eye and who knows what tomorrow may bring

Enjoy all of the friends and family you have and know that your mom wouldnt want your mourning and grief to consume you

My sympathies to you and your family

im fortunate enough to have not had to deal with that kind of loss, my only advice is to live the way they would have wanted you to live and be happy knowing that you are.

this is too serious a thread for NYspeed i thinks… new section perhaps?

Sorry to hear man, i had a close call with my father and it scared the shit out of me. I honestly wouldn’t want to know how I’d react to something that you are going through. Time heals everything though.

Best Wishes to you and your family

ironic that this thread showed up now. i just lost my cousin (25yo) yesterday. but condolences to you

I’ve never lost anyone close to me. (well not since my grandfather but I was 3 at the time). I honestly don’t know what I would do.

I think that you can do two things that relate to each other. Do things that keep you busy, but all the while helping you succeed in life so that you know your mother is proud.

i lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer last november, it was really tough because I was very close with him (my god-father), i ended up working a lot and spending lots of time with my friends and family in the weeks after, it helped a lot. Just remember that for all the people we lose, we always have 100 more that are still there for us, those are the ones that are going to make things better.

Whoa whoa whoaaaa

Sorry to hear man. R.I.P :frowning:

I’m going to have to plan a dual visit trip now AZ isnt too far away from SD is it? lol