Fast an Furious 3

it was not so great… deff made the end so there can be a 4th… haha

i forgot to mention the driving was great… but i did almost cry with the cars they destroyed the shit outta :frowning:

lol what did you expect?

The real question is HOW MUCH VIN!!??!

20 seconds… and yaaaaa ull seee when u see the movie… its kinda ehhh idk

VIN part was funny in its ways, the movie wasnt too bad…but it was kinda ehh…definantly some sick ass lines in it tho, lol :lol:

EDIT: IMO i think its better than the 2nd one

IMO it was better than the second, but its kidna loosing its carisma (sp?). i think they will make a 4th one, it will die a miserable death and that will be the end of the FnF craze

Damn. I havent even seen the second one yet.

that movie was really lame. cool cars and all as usual, but its just too predictable. :tdown:

in a way, pretty much. the vin deisel thing was really the only suprise to me. o and when the one guy with the silver 350Z had a gun to the redneck guys head and his dad had a gun to the 350Z guy, i wanted to see the dad shoot the 350Z guy haha

I thought it was good. Just as good as the first one. The kid from friday night lights did a good job as the main character. I’m glad that there wasn’t as much computer animation. I loved the music in the movie. I bet the soundtrack will be awesome. I think it’s awesome they brought vin diesel back. what the hell is he doin in tokyo anyways. The girl in the begining of the movie was terrible… racing for her?? :lol: no thanks… I can’t believe zack from home improvement was in it… :lol:

i really liked it :tup:

I CAN its FandF 3 bro.

true… who did everyone like the best out the 3 movies for acting… Ja Rule, Ludacris, Tyrese, or Bow Wow? Bow Wow didn’t do too bad

haha, i would have to say it was worth the 8.75 to see it opening night.

as long as theres companies like APC around, the FNF craze will never die, just evolve :eekdance:

OT: u were sitting about 3 rows in front of me in the theater.

Meh, it was allright, had some bland/goofy fucking dialouge.

Me and beck just sat there and made fun of it the whole time.


yeah kid rock baw wit da baw and year old dipset songs are awesome…


haha that movie was a step up from the others, but as you may know, that’s not saying much…