Fast an Furious 3

i didn’t actually mean kid rock. the asian techno beats or raggaeton beats they had when “sean” first went down onto the parking ramp with all the cars

i downloded the soundtrack today not bad



Snails said he wanted a copy of this at the movie

The movie wasnt bad…

Choice quotes from other movie going patrons:

“I don’t know which is better, the Acura or the Integra…”

“Is that the 350Z?”
[Veilside RX7 on screen]
“I don’t think so, but its probably gonna be madd fast and awesome!”

[kick seat x2]

“That shit doesn’t look hard”

I should go see it again and take a tape recorder with me :bloated:

that shit isnt hard, i drift up spiral parking ramps all the time in my Jeep. Now watch all the drifting Grand Am accidents start happening.

lol at drifing grand ams… i saw a minivan do a 4 wheel drift and lose it

Thoughts about the movie from a real OG drift fan…

I’m actually interested in going out to see it now, after reading this.

So I was super surprised when I, Mr. Skeptical, sat down with my friends in Universal’s Gibson Ampitheatre with our free Sprites, popcorn, and pizza… and we actually LIKED the movie. A lot. I mean, yeah I already knew some things about the movie because I was on set and I saw the stuff happening. But the way they directed it, and did the photography and editing was just dope. I think it was really well done, from a photographic standpoint and also from a standpoint of telling the story and explaining drifting and Japanese culture to the average Joe Schmoe American movie watcher. I mean sure, the movie had its lame parts (like Lil Bow Wow’s car)… but the things they showed in Japan, from the parking lots, to bike racks, to payphones, vending machines, school girls, traffic sequences, homes, and garages… that stuff was really on point! It was interesting for the movie watcher, and kept it real for the OG heads who know what’s up with drifting, and people who know Japan. I might just be one person voicing my opinion, but still, I think it’s a credible one for this particular case. Why? I might not be able to do tandem drift initiations at 100mph like some of my other friends, but I did author the first hardcover book on Drifting in the United States, and I’ve been to more drifting events and shot at more tracks and become close friends with more drifters in more areas of the world, than most people. And I go to Japan for photo shoots and drifting events alot. And even I think this movie was great!

I think Justin Lin and his team did an awesome job of portraying drifting and Japanese culture to the American audience, and there were even some cool cameos by your favorite import models and Japanese celebrities, including, yes… the real DK. Not Donkey Kong, I’m talking about Dorikin, Keiichi Tsuchiya. I spoke with Justin about it yesterday, and he credits much of the movie’s success in “keeping it real” to one of my personal friends, Toshi Hayama. Justin just kept mentioning Toshi’s name and crediting him every time we asked him about Japan, drifting, and the “keeping it real” aspect. And no shit! Toshi did a hell of a job consulting with this movie, because we did NOT hear about “Motec exhausts” and crap like that. In fact, you could see several cameos of Tosh throughout the movie, that was pretty funny…!

I also liked the fact that you didn’t see a whole lot of lame CGI like you did in the John Singleton version (2F2F) of the movie. Justin used real drifters as the stunt drivers- people like Rhys Millen, Samuel Hubinette, Tanner Foust, CalvinWan, Alex Pfeiffer, and even Japanese drifting legends like Nobushige Kumakubo, and Kazuhiro Tanaka, just to name a few. The 7 car tandem sequences you see in the movie were REAL! I loved it! It was exciting as hell…

In fact, the whole movie was pretty exciting and entertaining overall, from the drama and excitement of the action sequences, to the storytelling part of it, which is usually boring in most movies… but the FF3 producer and director prevented any potential mind wandering during the movie because there was always something interesting to look at, whether it be interesting details of the Japanese apartments, tuning shops, clubs, schools, intersections, or maybe it was just alot of hot chicks with short schoolgirl skirts… but either way, they kept it entertaining, and injected some humor into the script too, making it a really fun and entertaining movie overall.

I know alot of you guys are skeptical about this movie, and I was too. There have even been talks of people trying to organize a boycott of this movie, and I think that’s just ridiculous.

People have even said this FF3 movie will “ruin drifting” because it’s gonna get exposed to mainstream media and all that jazz… but those people really don’t know about drifting for real. Yes people, there is a “behind the scenes story” to everything, including drifting. Insiders like me and my friends know and see what’s happening behind the scenes, and believe me, it’s not easy.

Each one of us has to go through a personal struggle each time we try to deal with any of these big companies trying to get into the drifting market. Whether it’s a driver trying to get sponsored by a big company, or whether it’s an event organizer or magazine trying to get advertisment revenue from corporate America, or whether it’s little old me trying to ink a deal with a big time automotive publisher to create a drifting book, or promote a drifting trading card series.

All of us guys and girls who work in the drifting industry are drifting fans too! Just like you! But you gotta realize, sometimes you need to do things people might call “selling out” (or I prefer, “selling yourself short”) in order to achieve the bigger picture- advancing the sport of drifting. Reaching more of an audience, and introducing more people to drifting. Just think about the first time you saw drifting, and how you reacted to it, and how it made you feel. If we REAL CORE DRIFTING ENTHUSIASTS don’t take part in projects like this, then someone else who doesn’t know shit is just gonna take the initiative and do it themselves, and they’re gonna do it in the wrong way. So I want to ask some of you certain “hardcore drifting fan” people, please stop spreading bad rumors about this movie, or the so-called “sell outs” who were involved in it! They aren’t sell outs! We love drifting just as much as you do! We all want to see drifting advance in America, and all over the world. Both as a sport, and as a lifestyle and culture.

But that will only happen if we take these opportunities by the horns and do our part to help shape the growth of the sport that we love so much. Whenever Hollywood or Corporate America tries to steer drifting in a wrong direction, we “industry types” need to be there to countersteer it and put it back on track. (No pun intended. uhmmm… well ok, it was kinda intended)

Bottom line= I loved this movie. I think Justin Lin, Toshi Hayama, and the leading actress did a great job with the movie! Justin and Toshi helped steer the movie in the right direction, and the leading actress? She’s just fine. And that’s good enough for me!

Go see Fast & Furious 3 when it comes out in theaters on June 16th!!! You won’t be disappointed, this movie is hella fun! Don’t hate on it, the only one missing out on a good thing will be you! I was lucky enough to get to see the world premiere at Universal, but I know I’ll definitely go see it again with my other friends!

Antonio Alvendia, Cipher Garage

wow, i actually WANT to see this lol

Movie was much better than I thought it would be, and this actaully had some real driving in it. With MUCH less CGI. :tup:

Glad to hear the drifting is real and not just computerized, looking forward to seeing this movie, plus, I’ve seen 1 and 2 so why not 3…

saw it sunday night at the drive-in in delevan…after the tools and there murhuhwanuh were done i was actually able to enjoy the movie… pretty good story line, and the fact that there wasnt much cgi rocked, i was kind of dissapointed/happy though in the lack of cheesy lines…i only remember two

  1. “its not the ride, its the rider” i think they put that in there on purpose
  2. “i thought you loved me” when dude man was starting to lose race

all in all :tup:

  1. “Fast and the furious”

all time cheeziest movie name :lol:I feel like a dousche even asking the girl for a ticket

good movie imo

good drifting scenes, no computer grafix shit…

I made my girlfriend buy the tickets :slight_smile:

definitely a lot better than the second one though.

“You wouldn’t have a problem if you had a V-8”

Saw this movie on DVD yesterday, not bad, wayyyy better than the previous movies with paul walker. If nothing else the drift footage is worth the rental.

I have yet to rent it…maybe this weekend…