Fast and Furious 3 Tokyo Drift Full Movie


That will be off there in hours, garunteed.

Sweet, just watched it all.

its all over the bit torrents too…I just d/l’d the whole thing.

Welcome to the world of w@rez Zex. :slight_smile:

i been doing warez since 1994. I just didn’t think it would be out already.

0day my friend, PM me for details.

fuck it, the first 53 seconds were enough for me…

Thats the crappy camera verison. i got a good copy of it

so after watching a little bit of it

  1. drifting is fucking stupid
  2. what a disgrace to the mustang name by putting some faggot 4-banger from nissan in one.
  3. most car movies get me feeling like racing a little bit, I felt like punching my cat in the head after watching this one.
  4. drifting is really fucking lame
  5. i hope the next generation of kids hate the sound of 4-bangers as much as me and go back to the great sound of a v8, I had to mute the race scenes because the sound was soo fucking annoying

all in all, I give the movie 0/10. It just plain sucked ass the whole way through.

:rofl: matt, tell us how you really feel.

way to go dip shit… its a inline 6 in a mustang!

honestly coming from me that was a good movie. alot better then other two and more realisitic then other 2. as for the stang it was sick not somehting i would do but sweet for sure in how it performed. the fart can had to go but a RB26 is a hell of a motor

and its probably one of the best motors ever built

4-banger, inline 6, :blah: :blah: :blah:

it’s still a POS



When i first heard there was gonna be a RB26 powered Mustang in this movie i thought, “Why?”…Then after watching the movie i understood. It’s quite simple. U have a banged up S15 with a working RB26 motor. Then u have a Mustang with no motor. Only makes sense to do the swap (especially when it’s the only choice u have in order to race)…

this is why ricer movies are retarded.

Man you have had one too many of these!

4 and 6 cyl cars sound like complete ass to me. I hate the sound of these small motors used today. I know it’s all personal preference.