Fast and Furious 4 Yo!

Mustang wheel lips look like shit… And the paint job doesn’t go with the car… Oh well…

Looks horrible to me…


That mustang would look pretty sweet if it was straight black but alas that current paintjob sucks ass. I feel bad for the new camaro that was mentioned already…

The latest Skyline R35 GTR and the new Camaro should be interesting. At least this movie will be closer to the release of the Camaro.

Also a Beetle in a drift movie?


Also a Beetle in a drift movie?


They have to have at least one vehicle get crushed or destroyed :slight_smile:

YEA im excited, i still have some ricer in me!

Err a Beetle. :bloated:

That said this better have some better one-liners in it than 3 did. :slight_smile:

the third one was all trying to be a decent movie


That looks like an ass pirate’s ship…

I also see an Impala, a CRX, and a wanna-be '67 Shelby fastback in there. Looks like another red S197 in the background.

Isn’t three of these movies enough?

I mean, really?


Isn’t three of these movies enough?


1 was too many. But for people who live their life a quarter mile at a time…these movies rock!

They made $158 mil on tokyo doriffttoooo, I can understand why they keep it going. Its all about the benjamins

It’s just as bad as the yellow tiger one around here.

I will be at the theater on opening night

Yeah I probably can see myself there too ^^

GM’s sponsoring this too?

i’ll go.

ugh, so i cant wait to see the camaro beat everything on the street.

i got rickrolled