Fast and Furious 4 Yo!

Siqqqqqq burnouts everywhere, even from the flower shit thing.

Is it so hard to find a consultant for one of these movies that actually has a clue?

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:22,topic:34963"”]

Is it so hard to find a consultant for one of these movies that actually has a clue?


what we like and what the general public likes are so different.

the stang looks terrible.


the stang looks terrible.


C’mon now, you’re just jealous you don’t have an iron spiked ball sticker on your car :wink:


what we like and what the general public likes are so different.


True, but they will like anything with street racing & sluts in it, so the cars and action scenes dont need to be so embarassing.

A Beetle??? In a Drift Movie??? WTF :tdown:

mmmm beetle RSi

ill be there on opening day :tup:

also in.

They better be hooking up that beetle with the 6.0L W12 twin-turboed engine.

look at the stang but just look at the wheels flairs and whatever… IT LOOKS LIKE AN RX8 IMO… a butchered up Ford Rx8… haha

From the comments:

From Euro Tuner:
A lead role is what VW wanted and, in a sense, a lead role is what they got when the R32 was selected as the lead female’s car.

Seeing pink, VW reportedly vetoed the color change, insisting the cars remain in the scheme VW had originally designated. However, it remained the lead actress’ ride.

Our Deep Throat tells us VW was unhappy with the testosterone-deficient role, so pulled the plug on the deal and had the cars written out of the movie. Because the R32 is predominantly male-owned, it’s understandable VW felt the pink paint and female role didn’t reflect its consumer demographics.

Link to article -


ill be seein this when it comes out