Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair

Shhhhhh hehe

it’s an 87. the thread title is wrong.

uve been lieing to us all since 06, you should be ashamed.

thats because you are young and dumb. you still believe you can make an FF fast.

its cool, we all went through it. its like the chicken pox… every one gets it at some point.

you should race the FF car that he is trying to make fast with your almighty RWD car

im not making a fast car (i was smart and put my money into a house); however, i do know that you can build a much faster rwd car for less. dont argue it, because you know it is true.

even if you are a siqqqq highway superstar

lol, i scratched the FF pox when I was 19… didn’t last long. phew.

why do these threads always descend to this?

play nice…dam kids…im zerodazes dad <~~right here

so what ever happend to the honda/other car meat a my house

yes i know i spelled meat

No one ever said building a fast honda was cheap, sometimes you have to spend cash to be original :uhh:

thats just crazy talk.

its just going to break or get crashed anyways :slight_smile:

lol at original honda build.

listen you little fart cannon boyz, my hondouski will be the fastest civic in all the land…

eat my shorts

everyone knows i have had the fastest honda 4 door around :gotme: ha

ive beat every mustang ive ever raced, and the cars i see blowing up the most at the track, deffinitly mustangs, not saying ther not badass, just saying they’re a fortune to build and people seem to be fixing them all the time.

Stop racing slow Mustangs?

How many local Hondas have run 10s? :lol:

Goto NYI on a MOMS night and see how many run 10s, 9s…

FWD sucks…deal with it.

With the exception of Mindless who will throw on slicks and out 60` a great number of domestics on this board

your car is stock, and slow, dont talk here, whats yours in the 1/4, 14’s?

ding! ding! ding!

what round is this again?

i think this would start number 4

:picard: you realize he’s faster than you right?

97_B18b1 why dont you race choda bighands muscle50 first and then talk about how you beat every mustang you’ve raced