Faster thAn thread?

who was actually in this thing in '08? I was under the impression that it was like 5 people who were hand picked?

out commiting hate crimes, i was waaaaay to busy this summer with the wife and baby and house, but now that it is settling down I have more “play” time:)

Can you at least post an old screen shot so the people that have no idea what it was about, can see what it was about?

i raced a couple times… but i didn’t go to mighty or southgate to do it. and we didn’t make threads, videos or kill stories. we kept it to ourselves. nyspeed CRED means nothing to me. and these were probably some of the fastest/most powerful street cars on the board. in a street-respect, these were easily 145+ cars. i also raced a car that laid the smack down on 99% of what he raced this year… i won’t name names, but he knows who he is, and that race was wasn’t even close. that was on the wastegate. only race i wish i could have got in was emery, however, im fairly certain how that would have turned out. he had some nice times at the track, no doubt, but if we raced on the street (you know, the way he races EVERYONE else), don’t even think it would be a match. but i didn’t feel comfortable going out there, and i’m willing to bet he felt the same way about coming out here. don’t want to get into that debate again.

either way, as i said, i’m done with messing around in the street. its stupid and risky in too many ways to list. i know at least my car has finally gotten to the point where it is honestly out of my comfortable threshold of control. i’d say ~700whp was the limit. i look forward to going to the track next year.

stay safe! in the next two years, someone on here WILL get seriously injured and/or die, or will get in some SERIOUS legal trouble. i don’t want anything to do with that

ughh Bill, way to go all “Dad” on us


I was in it, but nothing ever happened :gotme:

It was nothing like the first time. As Josh said, the first time around it was a different crowd and most of the major players that were in the first time did not come out for various reasons as stated this time around. In addition, most of us that were in it the first time knew each other really well, so it was easy to set things up and keep the chain rolling. I log on now and have no clue who is who anymore, lol.

My car was running all year round, but the scene just seems different. Maybe I’m just turning into an old fart and have a different perspective. :gay:


yea no shit. every time i start getting pumped about the car and put some money in it, i check myself and think this exact thing. it’s depressing.

I won’t say who, but more like 20 people were picked. But again, people just didn’t participate for one reason or another.

It “no longer exists.” :uhh:

:word: :word: :word:

And if you’re looking for competition, go to the drag strip, auto-x or join us at Dunnville and get some lap times and compete for a spot on our leader board :tup:

dont be a fag josh. its all about the mad crazy street racing Y0!!!tracks are for the gays that cant cut it on the mean streets of wny. Thats where the big Boyz hang out.

lol everyone in this thread runs on the street as far as i know. No one is innocent here. :wink:

yeah like jerks driving bmw’s scaring the shit out of people at southgate at 12:30am lol

in the rain, making oncoming traffic pull over and slow down in fear :mamoru:

So anyone what to post any vids form this year they didnt :snky:

I ran on the street when i was a high 11sec car. You should run like a 500shot of nitrous through your car and get sideways at over 100mph and let me know how fun it is. lol Sounds great till it happens and your car skips 2 lanes over before you regain control.

it was wet out, i was only trying to dry the streets with some fireballs. I never broke the speed limit.:smiley:

that’s what made me through in the towel. wasnt the first time it happened, but first with this setup and by far the most violent. it was over 100 and the car didn’t even start pulling “hard” yet… eff that.

and i think 500shot is a bit of a stretch to compare the feeling :slight_smile:

debbie downers :frowning:

hey! hey!

Jims car is a low 12sec car off the spray!


jk Jim

500 shot?

come on be real more like a 200 shot

Cant we all just buy Ls1s and :grouphug: