Fastest Vista Notebook Ever


I can’t wait to switch my work to apple


So you can explain to your CFO why you need to purchase high priced desktop equipment and long term warranties?

apple used to be faster actually when they used the powerpc cpu

They make a product that appeals to people, I fail to see the problem. Isn’t their goal to make money?

Apple sells their stuff at a higher price than the rest of the PC world, on average. Why? They put better components in their desktops/notebooks as well as the little things that make it more friendly/pretty/nice for users who care about aesthetics.

That being said, I don’t really see how it’s relevant information. If Apple was using a different ISA than PC, I would be impressed but it’s x86 so again, who cares.


half of the people buying macs are doing it cause its trendy. I agree its a good solid OS but it is not a better peice of hardware.


Eh it’s always been a better piece of hardware unless you buy an imac etc. The only trend I’ve seen is more and more people switching to Apples.

I still do almost all my desk work on my Mac tower that is now 8 years old. It holds its own just fine after all this time. I always have 10 apps open and it goes up from there depending on what I’m doing. I’ve never had to service or repair anything on it, but 2 non Apple monitors and a microsoft mouse have crapped out on this computer over that span of time. It’s been on non stop for almost all of those 8 years including nights with no heat in the shop and shop dust/dirt the last four years. They’re tanks. Anyone that says they’re overpriced is missing the value of quality.


Eh it’s always been a better piece of hardware unless you buy an imac etc. The only trend I’ve seen is more and more people switching to Apples.

I still do almost all my desk work on my Mac that is now 8 years old. It holds its own just fine after all this time. I always have 10 apps open and it goes up from there depending on what I’m doing. I’ve never had to service or repair anything on it, but 2 non Apple monitors and a microsoft mouse have crapped out on this computer over that span of time. It’s been on non stop for almost all of those 8 years including nights with no heat in the shop and shop dust/dirt the last four years. They’re tanks. Anyone that says they’re overpriced is missing the value of quality.


When it comes to laptops maybe but a desktop ps can be built for half of what a mac could be and when you want to get a beefy video card a month later… A trip to the store and its done, not the case with a mac.


So you can explain to your CFO why you need to purchase high priced desktop equipment and long term warranties?


the prices are about the same, and considering the apple won’t get killed with spyware, and viruses it will save us in the end, the mac is also much more user friendly; I work in an office where people suck at computers, the mac is just easier.

Not to mention the great look of the apple desktop; no need for large towers when everthing is built into the screen; it makes the company look cutting edge, image is huge.




well… the fact that they lock down iTunes the way that they do and force you to use it if you want an iPod/iPhone.

Also the whole ringtones thing really pisses me off

They aren’t publicly releasing a SDK for the phone so 3rd party developers don’t have the ability to create homebrew software for it without writing their own.

The people that unlocked their phones got screwed by apple when they released their latest firmware which intentionally bricked the phones.

now their going after websites with apple, iphone or any other trademark in the name.

just to name a few… I’m less than impressed


When it comes to laptops maybe but a desktop ps can be built for half of what a mac could be and when you want to get a beefy video card a month later… A trip to the store and its done, not the case with a mac.


I did end up needing a second video card for a dual monitor setup. I drove to CompUSA, bought one, and popped it in which took all of 30 seconds since the case folds open with one touch. Easier than a PC…

Sure you can build a PC for less. You can also buy an ebay turbo for less, but that’s not for me.

i like them but… dont really see myself buying one. unless you bought it for me.


the prices are about the same, and considering the apple won’t get killed with spyware, and viruses it will save us in the end, the mac is also much more user friendly; I work in an office where people suck at computers, the mac is just easier.

Not to mention the great look of the apple desktop; no need for large towers when everthing is built into the screen; it makes the company look cutting edge, image is huge.


It might work for you and if you have customers who are in your office all the time to see how “capable” or whatever your business is by looking “cutting edge”, more power to you. Not just Apple makes an integrated computer that doesn’t have a bulky tower, etc.

Simply put for the majority of the business users out there cannot use OSX because of the lack of software in the business world and thus, Apple is not a viable option.

Let’s put the virus/spyware debate to bed, shall we. Why does Windows have so many viruses and spyware threats? Because it’s adopted by the majority of the people out there. Windows has the most market share, the most amount of users checking it out under the microscope and therefor the most amount of flaws will be exposed. I don’t care if one OS is more secure than another, nothing is flawless. If Apple or Linux had the same share, you’d see the same kind of trends. Obviously that is speculation because that scenario is highly unlikely to happen.


It might work for you and if you have customers who are in your office all the time to see how “capable” or whatever your business is by looking “cutting edge”, more power to you. Not just Apple makes an integrated computer that doesn’t have a bulky tower, etc.

Simply put for the majority of the business users out there cannot use OSX because of the lack of software in the business world and thus, Apple is not a viable option.

Let’s put the virus/spyware debate to bed, shall we. Why does Windows have so many viruses and spyware threats? Because it’s adopted by the majority of the people out there. Windows has the most market share, the most amount of users checking it out under the microscope and therefor the most amount of flaws will be exposed. I don’t care if one OS is more secure than another, nothing is flawless. If Apple or Linux had the same share, you’d see the same kind of trends. Obviously that is speculation because that scenario is highly unlikely to happen.


God i love when you get all geeky on us :slight_smile:


It might work for you and if you have customers who are in your office all the time to see how “capable” or whatever your business is by looking “cutting edge”, more power to you. Not just Apple makes an integrated computer that doesn’t have a bulky tower, etc.

Simply put for the majority of the business users out there cannot use OSX because of the lack of software in the business world and thus, Apple is not a viable option.

Let’s put the virus/spyware debate to bed, shall we. Why does Windows have so many viruses and spyware threats? Because it’s adopted by the majority of the people out there. Windows has the most market share, the most amount of users checking it out under the microscope and therefor the most amount of flaws will be exposed. I don’t care if one OS is more secure than another, nothing is flawless. If Apple or Linux had the same share, you’d see the same kind of trends. Obviously that is speculation because that scenario is highly unlikely to happen.



Most businesses have spyware/viruses under control…I do work with a lot of SMB’s…When they run a decent AV software and keep it updated along with email being filtered for viruses they have 0 issues.

“wow these macs sure look trendy on our desks…now why can’t run any of our useful business software” :lolham:

That being said…Im still buying a MacBook.

I just don’t understand peoples push to move work places to Macs because they are amazing…

our helpdesk has been stuggling to integrate some macs as well. Its pretty important that we can support them, so we need to have some around. But our phone software and tracking software doesnt run on them, so we cant put them at main workstations. If we were to use parallels, people would just run full screen windows and that would be even more pointless. The software is definitely a problem in the business world.


That being said…Im still buying a MacBook.

I just don’t understand peoples push to move work places to Macs because they are amazing…


i agree 100%. you have to use the products that are going to make your business run more efficiently. If you dont, its useless

to be honest, I prefer linux to osx, but i’m a student and open office just doesnt cut it for me most of the time, thats what my ibook is for.


That being said…Im still buying a MacBook.

I just don’t understand peoples push to move work places to Macs because they are amazing…


If i had the spare cash or a need for another notebook, I would have to agree. They are very well made and now that they are x86 powered, it makes it probably the most flexible notebook out there.

triple boot osx,xp,linux anyone?


triple boot osx,xp,linux anyone?


For the sake of the thread, OSX/Vista/Linux :wink: