Fastest Vista Notebook Ever


Just because your Mac happens to work today doesn’t mean you don’t need to fix them or they are flawless. I’ve owned Dells, IBMs, and other PCs that I’ve built that have NEVER broken. Does that mean PCs don’t break?

Ok, you’re comparing your experience with a handful of MACs at best with me, whose seen THOUSANDS of them over 10 years. If MACs were so trouble free, why are they sending Service Source bulletins to my email almost weekly covering new fixes to problems that they find with their hardware or software?

I mean yeah, I still have my Apple IIe w/ dual 5.25" floppy drives, and I fire it up every so often to play Karateka and yeah it starts right up, but that doesn’t mean Macs don’t break. :shrug:

You MAC guys crack me up sometimes with this “Macs never break” :bsflag:

I wouldn’t whine at all, since I have NEVER used iTunes for ANYTHING since day one. There are much better programs than Itunes to interface with your iPod.

iTunes is a steaming pile of crap.


For the record, I have never claimed macs never break. I’ve also never claimed that I particularly like everything about itunes.

^ I don’t think anyone on here said that macs never break


I wouldn’t whine at all, since I have NEVER used iTunes for ANYTHING since day one. There are much better programs than Itunes to interface with your iPod.


anything that’ll work with the phone by any chance?


^ I don’t think anyone on here said that macs never break


I quoted someone who did :poke:


anything that’ll work with the phone by any chance?


Unfortunately none that are problem free (relatively). I think by Christmas though, there may be something.

most of this thread is the same old “I can build a neon to be faster then a Ferrari” vs “even if your neon is faster then a Ferrari nobody cares etc…”


I quoted someone who did :poke:


Boooo, I suck


most of this thread is the same old “I can build a neon to be faster then a Ferrari” vs “even if your neon is faster then a Ferrari nobody cares etc…”


Bad analogy.

And the understatement of the month award goes to.


most of this thread is the same old “I can build a neon to be faster then a Ferrari” vs “even if your neon is faster then a Ferrari nobody cares etc…”


I don’t know rick, I was thinking the same thing as this guy…


I don’t know rick, I was thinking the same thing as this guy…


I don’t see how, because if generally the same chipset and architecture used by PCs is now used by Apple (I don’t care how they “package” it), then it is nothing like Neon v.s. Ferrari.

Maseratti v.s. Ferrari would be a better analogy. Or even Silverado v.s. 1500. Lincoln Navigater v.s. Ford Expedition. etc. etc. You pay more for “brand name, comforts and features” (perceived or not).


I don’t see how, because if generally the same chipset and architecture used by PCs is now used by Apple (I don’t care how they “package” it), then it is nothing like Neon v.s. Ferrari.

Maseratti v.s. Ferrari would be a better analogy. Or even Silverado v.s. 1500. Lincoln Navigater v.s. Ford Expedition. etc. etc. You pay more for “brand name, comforts and features” (perceived or not).


I guess I sort of see this more like a Nascar vs. F1 debate… Engines aside (lets say they run the same engine for sake of the argument), the rest of the F1 package is near perfection in aerodynamics, materials, while the Cup car has just as much horsepower, but is heavier, clunkier, harder to drive and has a generic ugly fiberglass shell thrown over it. (M5 vs. Viper?)

Point being, everyone who is anti-apple brings up the hardware issue because it’s all they have. Apple’s industrial engineers and UI designers are among the best in the world, which when coupled with the same components that make PC’s so powerful, makes one hell of a machine.

Sure, apple has their issues, but so does every other company in the world.

It might be the same hardware, but there is something to be said for the R&D that apple is putting into finding the components that work best with each other. I cannot think of another reason why they would be consistently outperforming the other big names in notebooks.


I guess I sort of see this more like a Nascar vs. F1 debate… Engines aside (lets say they run the same engine for sake of the argument), the rest of the F1 package is near perfection in aerodynamics, materials, while the Cup car has just as much horsepower, but is heavier, clunkier, harder to drive and has a generic ugly fiberglass shell thrown over it. (M5 vs. Viper?)

Point being, everyone who is anti-apple brings up the hardware issue because it’s all they have. Apple’s industrial engineers and UI designers are among the best in the world, which when coupled with the same components that make PC’s so powerful, makes one hell of a machine.

Sure, apple has their issues, but so does every other company in the world.

It might be the same hardware, but there is something to be said for the R&D that apple is putting into finding the components that work best with each other. I cannot think of another reason why they would be consistently outperforming the other big names in notebooks.


Let’s not go crazy here. It is not leaps and bounds ahead of anyone. I am sure Apple won’t be on top for very long either. The next XPS from Dell will probably take the speed crown back or something from Alienware even. 45nm Penryn (code name for the process, not the CPU) will be making their way into notebooks soon as well as new mobile chipsets so this whole PC Magazine review is moot.