Fatal accident in Colonie

Are you going to bring this up in every post about someone passing away, regardless of the situation?

All of us douchebags only bash on the PEOPLE DEFENDING THE DECISIONS THAT CAUSED THE DEATH, not the unfortunate person who isn’t with us any longer. Get it through your head man.

where’d you see those?

talking about the vids of chad brothers flipping shit over at golds like an idiot… Was on the news as well as the internet.

Chris was an awsome kid man, im shocked… heard about this Sunday afternoon and its sad. Not that this is a place to pay any real respect , but my thoughts go out to his family and friends.

yeah i will bring it up…u douchebags as i called u and i guess u spoke up cause u are one came in bashing him when all we asked for first was respect our friend died u dumb dick…

whats the difference of flipping out in a gym on whatever the fuck he wanted to be on or driving so fast that u rip a car in half? both were there faults…both could have injured others very easily…so because it was in a gym and not on a public street makes it different? fuckin dumb ass


WOW he must have been flying.

I Normally wouldn’t post at all, but damn Aero you are a fucking piece of shit… Really going to post pics of that??? Wtf is wrong with people…

good post bro…they wanted to post up all my friends videos…fuck it…everything u guys wanna talk about should be posted…

too me that shows someone that coulda did alot more damage then a guy in a gym…that fast to make car look like that coulda killed lots of people…

lol posted videos of chad so u all could justify not respecting my friend…then this pic is way past justified

U talking about me?

yea wtf is wrong with the internet for putting up pictures of an accident

D.gauge give CBS and ynn a call and bitch at them for taking the pictures and posting them and also for putting it on tv and all over the web. Why didnt you bitch and complain whn the original post had a link to the incident ? When you click the link as we all did … then you see all the pictures. Terrible of me I know

It takes alot of force to destroy a car like that and that picture says it all. I came up on it on m5board where they were talking about it.

i dont see a problem posting a pic of the crash scene?? If anything it makes you think twice about speeding. DEF explains the seriousness of the crash too.

Yeah def nothing wrong with posting pics, gives you a reality check.

Didn’t mythbusters do a test to split a car in half?.. Took a rocket powered cart on rails in the dessert to cut it completely in half, I believe.

Nothing wrong with posting pictures. Its public knowledge. RIP man…


Don’t know how to post vid


they said dick ha

Heres another to lighten this thread up a little.


I am not familiar with BMW body models per year, but what year was this car? Did it have a full exhaust and was stupid loud?