Fatal Motorcycle Crash

sorry to hear.

^^This. If the damn court people (DA/Judge/Police) would do their jobs and actually make these people pay for what they’ve done then maybe it would make other people start paying more attention. I’m not saying destroy this kids life with a murder charge, but atleast something more than just a “failure to yield” slap on the wrist. Maybe something like negligent manslaughter or something. I love my bike, but am scared to death of stupid cagers.

Very sorry to hear about your loss. I heard it on the news last night and although I didn’t know him, I still cringed.


oh god. pic is horrible. Very sorry for you loss Chris and Mike. I hate seeing shit like this, always seems to happen to good people too.

I agree, that little fucker should be punished to the full extent of the law.

Sorry to hear guys. Chris, I know this is the last thing you need on your plate right now. =(

I mean I feel bad for the kid too. dont get me wrong, in the pic you can see the kid with his head in his hands, and I know he will be fucked up for a while. I have compasion for all involved. Its just like watching the stupid asian low speed crash video… motherfuckers dont pay attention to whats going on around them, look farther down the god damn road and this stuff can be avoided. Its a hard decision, what to do for the driver of the car. Half of me says lock him up big time, but the other half says there isnt a right answer to what he should be charged with. His life is ruined in him mind for ever, his family I am sure if crushed too, its just so much pain on everyones plates over something like this, rational thinking says there just isnt a real answer as to what the driver “diserves”. My first post was more from shock this morning hearing about this. now i just dont know.

Thanks friend. “Life is so fucking real.” Thats what I live by, and it is solidified with things like this you know. Everyone be safe out there, and live your life in a way that makes you happy, becasue you never know.

^ x1000 you NEVER know.

I hate hearing this… Its every year though!! Youd think people would use caution around motorcyclist but they dont…Very Sad Im very sorry for ur loss!!

Wait… did the car make a left in front of him or did he make a left when he had the right-of-way and the car hit him??

it says the other driver was ticketed so he mustve been at fault for something.

I google mapped it and you can see it on street view.

It said he was south bound on 146, the other guy was northbound on 146, as wayne went towards the light, the other guy took the left infront of him to go left from 236, and basicly hit head on. so yes failure to yield is correct. Looks like the bike ended up where the red van is parked on googlem street view.

The car took a left turn into Wayne as he was going through the intersection… If you look at the picture, Wayne ended up in front of where the car was parked.

man this sucks sorry for the loss

Thats what I figured, but when I saw it on News9 this morning it seemed odd. Thought maybe it was in intersection like the one at x-gates commons where the people going straight have to yield to people taking a left.

RIP… people need to pay attention!!

+1, This fuckin kid should be in a LOT worse than for just a ticket

sorry to hear this man, know what this is like, both of my uncles have been in fatal accidents, but they both lived it deff isnt easy

my uncle was passing a car and the sun blinded him and a oncoming car didnt move to avoid him, and he hit the whole driver side of the car losing his leg on impact and mangling his left arm, shattering his pelvis and bursting his bladder and he is a left handed tattoo artist. it is deff a long road to go down.

and this is why when im anywhere near a biker i will do my best to give them enough space. i usually give bikers 3 car lengths between the biker, people need to pay more attention to whats going on


It really doesn’t matter man, no matter how careful you are it’s only a matter of time when yourself are caught off guard and are taken out by someone also not paying attention.

It’s only a matter of time :cry:

I actually called several new stations today and asked them to verify the information with the police and update the information published.

R.I.P Wayne.