Fatality at Cayuga today :-(

i think ur dad talked to jaime stoneman, cuz he told me the same thing. i called him up to tel him about this, he called someone to find out. whoever he talked to was on the scales and saw her ejected out and it was pretty gruesome. its fucking wierd to think about. i cant imagine what her dad is going thru who was there

Sad day. At least she went out doing what she loved. RIP

the fact that she was 17 has no bearing on what she was driving, Age does NOT decided how good of a driver someone is.

1/2 the reason that the min licensing age is 16 is because of size / strength requirements for driving a production car, the other 1/2 is because of maturity. the state simply wants to ensure that a majority of new drives can fit into cars, and can generaly be trusted not to be to retarded behind the wheel

now when it comes to racing, these 2 reasons can get thrown out the window

size: car is custom built, so the drivers size is of little importance
strength: car is mostly going in a staright line, very little effort is usualy required to turn the wheel
maturity: if she grew up in a racing family, she learned the maturity needed just by being at the track. the same idea applies to running a biz, or having watched football all your life, you can learn how to do it just by watching

i highly doubt that she was in that car because of pressure from others … she was in that car cause she loved it, she wanted it, and because people around her knew she could do it

We watched the whole thing. We didnt talk to anybody. Im not positive but i heard the guy in the orange VW bug with the big block in it was the father.

She ran 5.12 at 306mph at 17 y/o… wow RIP

not worth it to risk that much to just run a stupid number.


wow that really sucks, sorry to hear.

Some of the boys from Sportriders.org met her a month earlier at Cayuga (I think? Not sure…), they actually have pics and a vid of one of her runs a month prior to the tragedy.

And video of a run:

I can’t even think of anything to really say. It’s just depressing. :frowning:

this is soo terrible :frowning:

anyone have a news link?

No, I have been looking and haven’t seen anything.

She ran 5.12 at 306mph at 17 y/o.

that would be a pretty cool spot to be in. (obviously not the flying through the air into a pole) Could you imagine school? hey i just picked up the red Fbody + my mullet is comming in nicely, and its sick fast, I had it up to 130mph the other day. probably faster then you’ve ever been honey. her: well not exactly :lol:

Made the cover of the Toronto Sun, and a few other papers:



“The seatbelt, its only purpose in life is to save you in a situation like this and it failed,” he said. “The actual metal part ripped apart, and that should not happen.”

Paton said seatbelts undergo rigorous testing and the seatbelts in Hebert’s new vehicle were around six weeks old.

He believes if Hebert had not been ejected from the car, she may have survived.

what a shitty way to go …

I have a vid of her successful run earlier and watched someone elses after the accident happened. Its still bothering me


May she rest in peace, so young, so soon…

that is very sad


I think that blaming the seat belt in a 300mph crash into a concrete barrier is either someone desperately looking for answers or it’s lawyer talk already, when she probably isn’t even buried yet.

wow that is shitty. They put little girls in jet cars cause they weight nothing, car go faster