Father of dead soldier sued for legal fees by Westboro


Obviously i get why people hate Westboro, but they are soooo bold with this stuff and even arrogant with their comments in this article that i have to laugh

“oh, so you’re sueing us? well, we’ll counter-sue and win and your anger will help finance further protesting…”

That’s basically he biggest FUUUUU on earth.

i cant believe these guys haven’t been picked off yet.

the legal system worked, but it’s a damn shame there is still no justice.

Got to love the comments section. For example:

One of the reasons I am so tolerant of homosexuality is because churches are crazy.


You lose everyway here…

Westboro are a bunch of crazies… soldiers have no impact in modern war… reading CNN requires a massive grain of salt… commenting on CNN put your retardedness on a world-scale…

there is no escaping the fail

yeap, if 20 - 30 protesters go down everytime theres a protest, they protests will stop