Favourite Magazine

Hey I was just curious as too what
car magazines you guys like the most?

lol I know that this thread will end up as a porn magazine thread =P

Super Street, SCC, Guitar Player, Men’s Health, Playboy etc.

The TV Guide.

And PAS mag.

Super Street, Modified, Import tuner, and DSport


I used to get Import Tuner before I had a car, kinda stopped reading mags after I got one.
Edit: I check out JTuned online pretty often though, I dunno if that counts.

Super street i get once and a while…i used to get PAS to my house for 2 years and i never paid anything…most times ide get 2 issuses of the same one…for no reaosn lol they just recently stoped actally haha…other then that the odd game magazine…nothing much.

JTune definitely counts man!!

i never buy them, but if for some reason im at shoppers drug mart for extended periods of time i go flip threw them.
