FBOD Help Needed Inside

My buddy had the ceramic coated pacesetters on his car and after a year of driving they looked like shit…he advised me not to waste the extra $$$ on the coated ones…Im not saying all ceramic coated headers are bad juste the Pacesetters suck.

pacesetter headers have had lots of troubles with coating and they’re headers in general. over the past year though they’ve been getting much beater. In my case, coated where only 100 more and I figured why the hell not, whats an extra 100 when I already have well over 10k invested :gotme:
Also mine are Hooker Super Comp and remember for 3rd gen :gotme:
no problems yet, but it hasn’t run much either

on my truck I chrome ones, they’re already getting discolored with less than 430miles on that…

Should I just get one sensor or should I replace both while I’m at it???

I’d replace both sides, your car is OD2 right?

Yes…I have simulators for the back 2 sensors

sims should be fine, just change to 2 up front in each header