Feds Seize Illegal Nissan Skylines

Hope this is the right section, thought it was a good read.

ivy wang…

no wonder the US attorney is halting other peoples’ fun

:rofl: Didn’t even notice that.

Wow that sucks. Wont be legal to own one till when? they have to become classics right?

I don’t see the reason for the :tdown: the cars were illegal. shrug




If I owned a skyline, it would be modded to the hilt.

You would have to be wearing kevlar to come get it.

That sucks.

if i owned a skyline, it would have a maxima body draped over it so it looked inconspicuous. :slight_smile:


If I owned a skyline it would have a cloaking device to disguise it as two homeless guys fighting over a wedge of cheese.

wait, so these are cars that were imported as shells/motors seperately, and re-assembled to be registered as kit/show cars

that is different than the skylines from the Motorex…no?

Thank God we have people on the payroll to take care of this gigantic problem.
Fuck freedom, they could have killed a child with these cars, intervention was needed!


omg i should buy 50 of these fucking things and sell them dirt cheap to everyone in this thread that wants one…


what a waste of money. there’s probably 30 of these things in the country, who gives a fuck. besides, if it’s so bad for the air, what about the 20,000 of them running across the pond?

the fed don’t care about skylines, they care about people profiting by violating law.

if I had one of these cars right now, I’d pretend I never read the letter and drive the car to Canada and part it or sell it.

I wonder if they’ll be sending letters to get drugs off the street too? I honestly think instead of correcting the little things that pollute, like cars for instance, maybe we should put a damper on hmm cutting down a rainforest, or launching rocket after rocket into space. But now we know, Skylines cause global warming.

Ah yes, because tech advancements from Military/Space contracts have never trickled down.


Where’s the obligatory OMG SKYRINE comment?

I’m going to cut my cat out of my car just to spite the govt.

That’ll show them…

Stupid Feds.

Wah :frowning:

wow… i would be very pissed, i dont get how they get here though? in canada the one night i seen 3 of them cruising around