Feedback: Cold Galvanizing Sprays


Just wondering if anyone’s ever used this type of stuff before for finishing any fabwork. I wanted to get some feedback in terms of longevity, chip resistance, and how well other finishes adhere to the galvanized spray coat.

Also, for one that has used it or seen it around, do place like CT / home depot, etc sell this stuff? Or is it mainly restricted to industrial suppliers and other random small places around Ontario?

Thanks in advance.

oh yeah, forgot to provide a link:

^^anyone use anything similar before?

Also intrested in some reviews, would Cold Galvanizing Sprays work well with autobody panels before coating it?

no it’s only for treating bare metal in places that are oil and solvent free, places you can’t paint or prep properly

if you get any oil on it, it will run… if you get water on it, it will turn hard whitish gray (which is fine, like copper turning green)

I won’t say it’s particularly scratch/dent proof, but it is great to apply on fittings and couplers, and even nuts/threads exposed to the elements