feeler for a shift518 bowling tournament

not a bad idea…have a seperate lane setup with bumpers if redevil and hotwheels (i think thats his sn) want to bowl??

you are a grown ass man…

i thought pjb was saying he needed them lol

but it would be a good idea for other reasons

or you could make 2 man teams

i’d like to get as many people involved as possible, and i dont want people to feel discouraged b/c their at a physical disadvanatage. so if a lane with bumpers will accomodate them, no problem. i’ll get it setup

thats a great idea. i hope there is a good turnout


Ill go if jeffey goes! I think richert and sean should come too.

wish we could get sean sbardy deathbyrt murrgdawg richie adam looknsexy singaling vlad and a buncha others

I doubt Vlad will go. He never goes to any shift meets


c’mon u n jon can go, get hammered n bumper bowl. you and him drunk should be a good match for red and hotwheels

Paul will somehow get 9 pins as a whole score…even with bumpers

i think we can swing a birthday party with a cake and hats and a personalized bowling pin

not that shit again

So what youre telling me is a pm barrage is in order hahha

you had a good time…everyone kept buying you shots bc of it

true but I could deal without the balloons and shit. Atleast bowling alleys dont have crowns and really I dont plan on drinking while bowling

how bout you bowl 3 games in a santa claus suit and we’ll buy you beer?