THanks for replying. My main problem though is that the door does not open. Should I force open it by puling like a maniac (im scared to pull handle off before the door gets to open)
LOL no.
I just need to open the door to replace the fender…
THen once door is off, body shop comes into play.
Its just that I want to do asmuchas possible myself and not have to get my $ sucked outta me.
Here are some pics, I am pretty sure that the frame is ok.
I would pry the fender out of the way. If you are going to change it anyway then wrecking it to get it off isn’t going to matter. Be carefull with whatever you plan on keeping though. I wouldn’t pull too hard, or push, if something is binding figure out what and bend it out of the way. Forcing things is a good way to creat more work for nothing.