Fender and Door need to be removed - Help please


I searched the forum and came up with this:


Obviously its gonna help, but I downloaded the manual as well and cant believe there is no pics of fender removal! (or am I trippin out?)

My main problem is that my door is smashed in, I cant even open it.
And I need to remove fender and door.

Any suggestions?


Fender has 3 along the top that you can see, under the hood.

One under the frong bumper at the front, the bolt comes in from the side.

Two more by the hinges on the door, one at the top you get from the rear, the other one at the bottom you get from inside the wheel well.

Last one is the bottom of the fender on the outside, behind the wheel.

To get the doors off, open them, pull the bolts on the hinges once the fender is off, done.

THanks for replying. My main problem though is that the door does not open. Should I force open it by puling like a maniac (im scared to pull handle off before the door gets to open)

Why not push from the inside then? that way there is no handle to break…

If the door is damaged enough that it won’t open, are you sure the new
door will fix your problem?

LOL no.
I just need to open the door to replace the fender…
THen once door is off, body shop comes into play.
Its just that I want to do asmuchas possible myself and not have to get my $ sucked outta me.

Here are some pics, I am pretty sure that the frame is ok.



Looks like someone parked their car at PacMall for more than 10 minutes…

:lol: thats a good one.

I would pry the fender out of the way. If you are going to change it anyway then wrecking it to get it off isn’t going to matter. Be carefull with whatever you plan on keeping though. I wouldn’t pull too hard, or push, if something is binding figure out what and bend it out of the way. Forcing things is a good way to creat more work for nothing.