few questions relating to bushings and suspension etc

how are the FLCA ball joints supposed to operate? are they supposed to rotate and move very freely and smooth or should it take a little effort to move/rotate them. question i ask is because i disconnected my coils from the strut tower and 1 side the coilover would just limp over to whatever side it felt like (the ball joint would move so easily, it was a non-grease joint) and one side the coilover body would just stand still unless i pushed or moved it over. it seemed somewhat seized compared to the other side. this side the ball joint was a grease ball joint.

if a ball joint like mine that seemed a little seized, how would it affect my suspension and steering inputs etc?

From my experiance thay usually should be a little stiff. But as long as theres no play in it i assume it should be fine.

aslong as there is no play when its all assembled it should be fine, but with all that weigh on it i shouldnt really have to put effort into moving it, so if it gets more stiff later onitll prolly start making noises when u turn, but you wont make it harder to turn just prolly will start making noises.