Fighting a Vascar speeding ticket

It real fucking annoying reading all you whiney bitches complaining about tickets. If you are going too fast (regardless of the people around you) you deserve to get a ticket. Stop bitching about it and pay the fine. If you have tint and get busted for it, pay the fine, do not go home and type a lame ass bitching thread on pittspeed about how horrible cops are. You were doing something wrong and got caught, such is life.

:bowrofl: :bigok:

Stop opening the threads :dunno:

is that all you got? lame

maybe i missed it but i did not see anywhere in here that it said fuck the police and i dont see any whinning i see someone asking what to do about a certain type of ticket, i dont think he asked to hear how annoyed you are by the fact that your redneck truck wont go fast enough to get a ticket

Thanks man that is exacly what i was doing. I just wanted to hear experiences with this type of method used when they got caught and the outcome after fighting it. I could start a thread on ignorance though.

ask shelby, my truck is fast enough to get pulled over. :slight_smile:

and yea, this is directed at the people a while ago with the tint and the numerous threads like this one. And this is in off-topic, so STFU.


which hill???

bottom of jack town with the two enormous white lines where Borril sign is. I drive this route everyday for the last 8 years I know they sit there as stated I was going along with traffic.

i do 60 there too

so does everybody, you cant help it

i hope you beat it keep us updated.

ye i know been good for 8 years. I will keep you posted on the outcome

i just got off of a 40 in a 25 ticket. i pleaded guilty to 5 over the limit and paid my fine… in my attempt to get out getting the points i heard that vascar has 11 mph chance of being wrong. basically if your doing 34 in a 25 they wont pull you over, but if its 36 they can. i dont know how true this is just what i heard.

so you did not get points ???

no just a 125.00 fine.

That’s not true. Vascar is just a calculator of sorts. The user enters the distance of the speed zone into the vascar unit and measures the time it takes a vehicle to cross two points. The vascar calculates the mph from the above information. It’s simple math. There is always human error since the user operates the switch to measure the vehicle’s time. I have an error factor if you want to play around with it.


who was the officer ?