Fighting a Vascar speeding ticket

I got a speeding ticket and method used was vascar. I know it is the lines that are used to determine your speed. Whats ridiculous is that I was with traffic there were 3 cars in front numerous behind me and beside as well I was just singled out becasue my car is modified. I just wanted to hear peoples experience fighting tickets that vascar was used to catch you.

Be honest. Chances are you will get points taken away.

Just go to the hearing, tell the judge honestly that you were speeding, and he’ll remove all the points, possible lower the fine as well. Don’t try to put fault on other drivers that aren’t there, it won’t help you at all.


Schedule a hearing.

Plead guilty to 5mph over the limit.

Pay the fine, (you’ll get no points), and get on with your life.

yeah if you were speeding, just man up pay the fine and get it over with.

im sure its not the money thats bothering him as much as the points, so in that case… he should fight it.

Plead Non-guilty on your ticket

Ask for a reduction of points in the mercy of the court

If you have a good driving record that will help in your favor as well b/c the judge will be looking at it

go to court. Say you were moving with the flow of traffic. Provide as much detail as you can when you are telling your story. I have fought two tickets with this same approach in Kilbuck. Both times I won.

The cop even admitted that he singled me out because my car looked more suspicious then the others.

thats what i am looking for honestly i was going with the flow of traffic. Its 60 in a 40 which is what worries me. I have fought before with the outcome being a reduction in points so i plan on fighting it I was just wondering how much this vascar stuff holds up any other time has been with radar. Thanks guys. The damn Type R tranny is the problem everytime I look down I am doing 60 not even realizing it.

You paying for insurance raise? Paying less and no points in the way to go!

Couple of different things.

  1. PA cops cannot ticket you for less than 10 over, as long as the speed limit is under 55, using VASCAR. Ex. Speed limit is 35, you’re doing 42, cop cannot ticket you.

  2. If there is a posted speed limit sign 500 feet before the VASCAR lines, they cannot ticket you. However, the wording on this is a little bit tricky. It says indicating a decrease in speed, so that seems pretty clear, but I’ve never used either in court, so what do I know.

I’ll get the link for the state laws in a minute.

Edit : Sec. 3368 -

Neither of which may actually help you, but I figured I’d post for any kind of future reference.

i disagree w/ this one. i got nabbed on the rankin bridge just after the posted speed sign. went to court, got dropped to 5 over and fine–no points.

where did it happen at?

ciopa is a damn cool guy, i’ve spoken with him a few times before and he is one of the coolest madj. to deal with


good luck…wiemer(sp) is ass, esp if u have other violations on your records

just go in and plead “speed Defense”

Speed defense implies that your need to speed was a determining factor in protecting yourself. Perhaps you were doing 55 in a zone where everyone else was doing 70, and in order to avoid the potential of an accident, you had to accelerate to match the speed of the surrounding traffic.

this is what happened where this vascar is setup school buses always cross double yellow lines and its at the bottom of a hill there are always accidents there (jacktown hill). I was in with traffic I just got singled out because my car sticks out he even kinda admitted it. When he came back with the ticket and I knew he wasnt cutting a break I said to him it wasnt like I was ahead of everyone blowing by them I was with traffic so why did he pick me out of the bunch he said your car caught my eye then i replied because its lowered and modified? He mumbled something and then I asked where the magistrate was located. I am regreting getting a little smart but I was irritated when he pretty much admitted to singling me out of the bunch.

thanks for all the information

Not trying to argue with you on this. but most boro’s have signs posted when entering the town that it uses VASCAR Electronics.

Pay the fine and ask for reduction or no points and move on.
they just want the $ revenue not your license .

Yea, I know they have the signs. I know North Versailles/East McKeesport has a sign coming down 5th ave.

But, I would think state law would apply everywhere, that’s why I gave the link. Take what I say about this with a grain of salt, because I’m obviously not an expert on these laws.