Fill up your gas tanks!

93.2 shit I filled for 104 this morning,

Apparently this, apparently that.
I hear so many ‘reports’ of gas prices going up to 1.20, 1.40, 2.00 by later on that day. But nothing ever happens.
I’ll only believe it when I see it, but I do trust that prices will go up because of the hurricane even if it doesn’t really effect production or refining. It’s a good excuse.





well dont molest, unless it is oil peeples.

i bet if we riot that shit will be okay.

well it is $1.74 already

Someone buy a gas station and sell the shit at cost already.

Group buy? :dunno:

you can buy a station but that will have nothing to do with what they sell it for, they are told, shit lets just hijack a traller

I wonder if everyone started stealing the gas (gas-n-go) would have an effect, until the make it prepay…

Na, they are going to sifen your tank when you are sleeping,

I’m with bing on this one. The only thing these assholes listen to is action.
Block entrances to a couple of gas stations in GTA on the same street…and watch it unfold.


Ya, this is also a prefect way for the Gas companys to get us use to high prices to the point where 1.20L will be a good price

Where are you? Have you actually SEEN this, people keep telling me that but in Mississauga its like 1.04

Ya it is scatterd, the guy I work beside, he friend just called him and said he saw a station at 170, Bing said he saw it around there to and a sales rep max was talking to was saying 2.25 in London becaue he was there, also it is hitting the news now

i think the best and most practical idea i have heard yet is to pick one gas company, shell, petro, esso whatever and for 6 months no one buys a drop from them, then switch to another for 6 months and so on, until they are on their knees. of course it will never happen though. the unlucky stations who are picked will drop prices and people will flock

Ya but again that is something that can and will never happen

Unless the GOVT comes in nothing will get done and hell they are makeing MAD money on this

$68 @ 1.119 today for 93… wasnt right on empty so my guess is $10+ so $80 to fill up :cry: which = no boosting :cry:

The government is making shit off this in gas taxes. They arn’t getting involved. Park the cars boys, its winter. I pulled my insurance as of this saturday and bought myself a metro pass. Gonna be a long few months but shit will eventually sort out.


Ya no shit, and I use two tanks a week,
fuck this, I am not even going to come into work tomorrow, I am calling a personal day. what good is working when 50% of your pay goes to gas

here is what i propose:

The canadian government has acknowledged that there are vast oil resources up north in the areas virtually uninhabitable by man, some of the more remote areas in the North West Territories and nunabut and places like that.

the reason why they have not been exploited is because of the costs associated with building the necessary structures to well for it and then to transport it back and then to build city infrastructures to house and entertain the people who would be employed there (these types of jobs fetch $80,000+ for months work btw)

i say fukk it, go up there and put some of our tax money to ral use instead of pocketing it, those faggots, and build the shit to well for oil up there.

when they do, 80% of this oil should remain for domestic consumption.

the effect this will have is that it will allow Canada to resist fluctuations in oil prices set out by OPEC or in response to fake increases in the prices of gas like the one we are facing now.

because the government owns these mines and all the oil that comes from it it would be unnecessary to add the 40% tax because they are already earning a proift on it anyways.

even though the costs would be immense, this would result in a profit centre for the Canadian government anyways.

it would increase jobs and GDP.

i havent explained it very well but you get the point:


fukk the costs, go up north and get that oil bitches
keep 80% for domestic consumption
resists international price increases in oil (real and artificial ones)
increases GDP, exposts, jobs
lowers the price of gas and keep the money from going to EXXON , BP, Shell (all foreign companies)

in closing…

Bing is the man and solves all the worlds problems.

when i am prime minister i will do this.

I heard on the radio today that someone in austrailia stole gas from a gas station. They believe he used a hose, a pump, and a homemade tank in the back of a semi and stole something like 20, 000 gallons. hahaha.

Thats what we should do… :twisted:

i already stole like 400 lites of gas