Fill up your gas tanks!

Looks like Hurricane Rita’s about to deliver a knock out punch to American oil.

Shit, and I need to fill up on friday to go to montreal and back

the technology to stop weather disasters is there…why don’t they use it?

If this shit hits as hard as they are predicting, gas will peak at 1.50 easily.

THAT’S IT ! I had enough of this shit! Im going to start drilling for oil in my back yard.

must be a conspiracy … I’ve never even heard of this!

I heard that they can make storm clouds by releasing zink into the atmosphere with airplanes or something like that? I don’t know?..but I think they only do it whenever I wash my car.

yes, in essence we can also create bad weather.

but there is technology available to stop such disasters from happening.

For example, a strong explosion inside a tornado will disperse it.

but were talking about a hurricane here … pretty much unstoppable

search and read and yee shall find.

I have an idea…

Lets nuke the whales to stop the hurricane!!!

i bet whales humping are the cause of tsunamis…


this is BS !! Grrrrrr

i filled up last night at .94 and i thought that was a good deal, mean while it’s still really expensive compaired to few months ago, we are getting owned and we can’t do krap about it :frowning: :frowning:

False, buy a biodiesel powered car. I’m considering selling everything i have and pitching in for my dad and myself to share a Smart car. It’s the sharing part i’m not thrilled about.

The europeans know what’s what. N. Americans bitch and moan, but still go out and buy SUV’s. I don’t bitch because i know we have it good here. Gotta pay to play, right.

I’m sure i’ll sing a different tune when i add an extra 2cyls.

Hahaha exactly what I was thinking! Typical American short-sighted destructive thinking. Gotta love it.

All this after OPEC increased their output to essentially MAX, told us there is no oil shortage, and that they don’t understand why we’re being charged so much.

Hmmm … group buy of gas from Venezuela?

It’s 12 cents a gallon there.

It would work out to be about 3.8 cents per liter.

Can you rent an oil barge?

:idea: I got the best solution!

I say we run our cars on pure NOS! :lol:

^^^ LOL

i just heard gas is hitting 2.25 a litre in some places (various tire shops that i sell to) just letting you all know that apprently by 5pm its going to be around 2 bucks here. i just went and filled for 93.2 :slight_smile:
