Fill up your gas tanks!

but did you mother teach you to share? :wink:

yeah but bing whats the aftermath. when countrys that are profitting from our consumpsion loose money they get pissed and invade here. we will have no back cause we are underminding the country that was feeding us oil. we die.

i dont know sounded clearier in my head…someone smart fix this up.


bing said we keep 80% in the country so that even though we undercut bigger countries the amount we export is not significant enough to put the big guys out of business. yet people dont bitch because we are still sharing

the gas station I used to work at is at $2.02 a litre right now in Grimsby, and across town its 1.04? Doesn’t make to much sense to me. And there was a lineup for 2.02 if you can believe it.

working at an old gas station with old mechanical pumps is great, you can do wonders with a screwdriver.

Re what Bing said:
Canada already has enough oil out in Alberta for virtually all our needs and plenty more in the oil sands which are a much more feasible project than going up north. However the “markets” dictate that most of this oil goes to the states … why … prolly cause some people are making a lot of money and could care less about the effects or long term stability.

Also, none of that matters much anyways … theres plenty of oil left we just can’t refine it fast enough as has been mentioned in other gas price bitching threads… if you want to make a difference in the price of gas (and all petroleum products) build more refineries in Ontario (or any where)

You know, talk about a piss off!!! :x

I finally turbo my car and this has to happen. What a way to crush a dream :frowning: .

Basically this means staying out of the boost and shifting around 3K rpm ish. As well no gearing down and keeping the rev’s down on the highway.

Apparently these prices will continue after the storm has passed as it will take 3-4 days to get the oil refineries up and running again.

Oh well, what can you do.

Ahh fuck it, I still rip it hardcore.

An extra $20 out of my pocket towards a tank of gas isn’t going to stop me from ripping it on my bitch day in and day out.

I kill on average 250km / tank, no I’m not a baller with deep pockets but I’d rather work an extra few hrs a week to be able to enjoy what I’ve worked soo hard on to achieve.

i agree

amen to that. and bruce they are saying prices will continue that high for 2 weeks not 4 days

3 simple solutions

1.sell it

  1. bend over

  2. pillage kill firebomb gas stations and do drive bys while drifting

i choose 3


3 simple solutions

1.sell it

  1. bend over

  2. pillage kill firebomb gas stations and do drive bys while drifting

i choose 3[/quote]

  1. declare jihad on gas companies

Jihad sounds good to me. Halalalalalalalalalalalalalala

if it hits $2.50 a L for more then 2 weeks im putting my car on blocks and buying a moped. Eather way the gas that was at $1.15+ was all price gouging due to the rumors, Dalton migenty has the ministry of competition going after all the stations that have done this.

Anyways I dont mind paying 1.50 for gas, got to pay to play but if it goes any higher it will be almost 65% of my pay check will be going to my car for just Insurance and gas. thats a big no no.

Heck anything over
$1.60L IS ALREADY 50% of my pay and that is only gas

Yeha mine would be to but i can last about a week and a half on a tank as i dont have to drive to far for school and work i walk to sometimes.

So :? i dunno i have a lil more play i guess

you guys are pissed

i bought a jeep

not only that


200$ a tank+ if it stays around 2$

^ :lol: Bahahahaha Jeep with the 5.9L V8! …I had one as a company demo for a month and I couldn’t take it any more. The power was nice and all but it’s like every time I gunned it I could almost see the gas gauge go lower and lower. I gave it back after a month…Nice ride but shit on gas.

It needs boost to increase it’s volumetric efficiency :wink:

True enough but there’s one problem, well rather two as in two kids. Then factor the house and all the rest of the bills I can’t afford the extra $20.00 for my own personal orgasam :lol: .

Lets just hope Rita does’nt cause that much damage when she hits land and the gas prices will stablize.

It needs boost to increase it’s volumetric efficiency :wink:[/quote]
:lol: nice one Jantos.