Finally a spoty car

Found this concept on Freshalloy , i think Nissan may finally build a car that caters to someone younger than 35.

Are they trying to cater to the largely untouched visually impaired or blind people’s market?

:vom: :vom: :vom:

Mazda Protoge, anyone?

:vom: look at the headrests. they need to bring back the s chassis in some form.

Ummm, can anyone say GTi-R!

:thumb :eyes

I like it :shrug:

1-probably power by a transaxle FWD 1.5 liter engine
2- copyed the new subaru grill (under nissan symbol in 1st pic)
3- The real version is going to look alot plainer ( no brembo’s or 19 inch wheels)
i could be wrong tho. it it was a new GTi-R it would be cool but today i highly doubt they would make something that would be close to the 350Z in a compact car.

Looks like a Renault

being a hatchback lover, well I would have to say that I would by this car in a second. I wonder what the retail value will be to buy this car. Ahh we will see.

I can see this car not being a huge success though. Nissan already has the sentra ser and even the altima ser never made a big hit. Ahh time will tell.

Looks like a murano mixed with a toilet bowl.

thats a perfect analogy :E

Actually, it’s supposedly powered with a turbo QR25DE and has AWD.

Just look at the bright side boys, if you owned one of those and needed to make an emergency pizza at the side of the road, you’ll be the only person you know that can shred cheese with your car. :smiley:

I would rather buy this than a sentra. :finga: :finga: :finga:

I believe that is the prototype for the next Sentra - the b16 chassis. (I might be wrong, however…it wouldn’t be the first time. :D)

Either way, it certainly isn’t a rusty 240 so I’m surprised you guys even like it. :wink:

Its time to get some b14 b13 and b12 pics on here, for the sentra lovers.

i read in a magazine that there is a 50% chance they are gonna bring the 240sx back for 2007, there was a picture of the concept and everything, still rwd too.

LOL I like it!!

deffinately much more updated styling than the bland grandma driving grocery getter SENTRA…I think it looks good!

what magazine was the picture of the 2007 240sx in and can you post the picture

Which mag?