Finally Decided to really detail the paint on my car... no 56k

I have had the car for ~ 1.5 years, and really have only done a light polish/wax on the car… the wax didnt hold up well this winter, so there were a BUNCH of swirl marks and oxidation and all sorts of problems, it was basically annoying to wash the car and see how bad it really was… so i bit the bullet and spent some $$ to do it myself.

I REALLY dont have the patience or the back to do this in one sitting, but today was a great day to do it, so i figured WTF

Before the wash (there is a bunch of pollen where i work, that + yesterdays quick rain =this:

All washed, ready to start, you can see the swirl marks and stuff in these pictures.

The products + not pictured NXT tech wax

Meguirs Claybar
Pinacle XMT Swirl Remover # 3
Pinacle XMT swirl remover # 1
Pinacle Paint Glaze
NXT Tech Wax

5.5 hours later…

came out really good! :tup:

Lookin good man. Now just paint the trunk :wink:

once u wash it once ur screwed! lol

nice job and beautiful Bimmer:tup:

i see you a lot on the 33 commuting to work… you live in the city and work in burbs as well i see…

nice detail work, and nice ride… although, im not a fan of the exhaust tips.

looks awsome. i love that car

What kind of exhaust is that… I like it alot.

Borla Oval tips

Looks great Brian.


Did you skip over cleaning the exhaust tips?

Otherwise looks great!

OOOO it is now one big mirror.
Nice M3 hotnesss.

Looks great when did you get a goddamn cf trunk?? Awesome car man one of my favs :tup:

i kinda like them darker… i dont have cats, so every time i clean them it lasts ~ 4 days… and takes me like an hour per tip to clean… doesnt seem worth it

car is sexy as hell man! very nice

I’m not a huge fan of nxt tech wax but nice work

Next time tape the car up

looks good

i was going to do s100, but it was teh end of the day, and i hate trying to take that stuff off, and NXT removes VERY easily

Yah mine are the same way…Still looks great!