Financial ? here. Can't really think of an answer.

Situation- I have about 400 ft of commercial/General business space(land) between a few of my building on G.I. I would like to put up another building(town is ok with it) preliminary-wise at least).i HAVE 2 100% SURE FIRE BUSINESSES(caps) that I want to open there(not the pizzeria either).I really can’t believe no else has done it and everyone I mention it to,gives it:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: .
Also I have AT least 2 other ppl that would like to rent a space.
Here’s the dilema.I don’t really have the coin to put up a whole other building.
Banks are out of the ?.What I’m wondering is how do I go around this? Do I tell one of the interested ppl to build the building and they get free rent for 20 yrs?A private loan from someone w/ the plaza as collateral?
Been racking my mind on this for awhile,as I don’t want someone else to open these businesses up first.
Was thinking of selling the Vette as it has a clean title,but will $50K even help do this.
Any help is greatly appreciated as always.

Cant u finance one of those general steel type buildings direct thru the mfg?

Or lease the vacant lot and come to an agreement with the business that takes on the property that their building becomes your property given a break on monthly fees. Provided they will be around long enough to make it worthwhile on both parts.

cant you use your other properties as collateral on a new construction loan?? Otherwise you should look into a program call entrepenuers and angels. It is a bunch of rich people that will give you $ for a stake in the company if they like your pitch/business plan.

Any Idea what they cost? Can you use that for a retail business?
Thanks tho for the suggestions.

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my prob w/ the steel building is that a few of the businesses will be nice retail and steel buildings look kind of cheap.Also Not sure how they will look with 6 storefronts.


Your must not know grand island too well if you think that they will let you put up a steel building on the Blvd. The towns little BS plan has it looking like some little bed and breakfast town, and that would fly in the face of it, and i’m pretty sure that the town planning board would crush it. They made by friend put a certain color shingle on there building (white shingles at that ?), thats how nuts they are.

I was under the impression you could get them faced however you like…I know churches, schools, etc. use them…I would research them a bit more before you abandon the idea

You sound like the commercial I have heard 8,000,000,000,000 times

Thats how I know :stuck_out_tongue: