Find me a damn TV...

I can’t believe this topic is still going on

wanna bet?.. DLP? :smiley:

DLP is the WORST of them all. omg if u have one, kick yourself right in the face!

my GF has one and its fucking terrible! HD looks like reg def, not to mention if u are not right in front of the TV at a 0 deg angle u cant see shat!

haha, you are incredibly ignorant. Ur gf bought a cheap POS then

rofl, thats awesome.

DLPs are really nice, as Massa knows i was considering the one he bought before i got mine. The new ones are definitely pretty badass. THey do still tend to be darker in the corners, and you don’t get the brightness and color “pop” that i get ou of my lcd… but for the price who can fucking argue, they still look amazing.

Everyone always brings up viewing angle and brightness…wtf is this, 2003? No! Using that as your argument is just as bad as using the burn-in issue against plasma.

i gotta see yours then, cause i fucked with the one in the store and i couldn’t get it to look the way my lcd does. yours isn’t a tiny bit darker in the corners than in the center?

absolutely not. Overall, a DLP’s picture will not “pop” as much as an high end LCD, but that “pop” is often unrealistic so I’m cool with it. I still need to calibrate it though. So it will only get better :slight_smile:

def have to see yours… i’ll probably be pissed i spent more on less inches (rofl wifey is no stranger to this mistake) but fuck it… i’m real happy with mine.

first of all i have had plenty of expierence with Toshiba and Samsung ones and they suck ass. nothing ignorant there, just results and facts. the Toshibas bulb lasted like 20 hours b4 it had to be replaced.

the GF has a Samsung 60", far from a POS. well all DLP’s are POS so…

the only DLP worth buying is a 100" + screen with a projector. all others to me are a waste

if it’s a newer model then get a calibration dvd.

Specific bulb issues has nothing to do with the technology being a POS.

watching DLPs doesn’t mean you have experience with them. I had a 3 year old SONY DLP that completely died and I still stick up for DLP. You may then ask me “why?” Cause I know my shit and I know calling all DLPs “POS” is incredibly stupid.

ya, still looks like ignorance to me. Do you know how they work? Do you know the actual advantages and disadvantages of them? I’m talking modern DLPs, not 4-5 years ago either. I’m sure you don’t, but somehow still think you know enough to label them all POS. If you did know your shit then you wouldn’t be making these crazy accusations. Anyone that knows anything about TVs will give a good amount of credit to DLPs. I’ll never say they are better than LCD/Plasma, but newer ones can be just as good and had for WAY less. DLP is a dying technology, but it’s not dead yet and current models are awesome. You sound like a lame best buy salesman… trying to make LCD/Plasma seems godly so you get more commission.

lol well said

you’ll be surprised, but you’ll still like yours better. I was on a tight budget at the time and was not going to replace old tv (55 incher) with something smaller, so my options were limited. If I wasn’t on a budget at the time then I probably would have gotten something outrageously over the top. so in a way, I’m glad I was on a budget.

listen asshat, they suck!!! there is nothing enjoyable watching them. u even admit it when u say, “I’ll never say they are better than LCD/Plasma” then why are u fighting with me?

better technology is out there, y use old shit? its like buying a new car with a carburetor on it, just doesn’t make any sense.

so enjoy your sub par pictures while i bask in the utter perfection of my 1080p Pioneer plasma.

ok moron, I’m defending DLPs against your “POS” comment. Where did I ever say DLPs were better or the best? go ahead… try and find it… ya, I didn’t. Try and stay on topic. If you get confused then just go back and read, it saves some embarassment.

or like buying a new car with leaf springs?

the only thing embarassing in this thread is you owning a DLP.

and leave my leafs out of this! haha

PS: ur right, this is y i will be getting PFADT coilovers in the future.

Im not completely in the loop as of how DLPS work… other than the basic projection aspects…

but I must say for the price DLP’s are very very nice…

They are not as bright as an LCD or plasma… but a few DLPs i have seen seem to render colors and shades better than LCD/Plasma…

I’d rather get automotive advice from votblindub than get anything tv related from you :open_mouth:

do NOT judge DLPs by what you see in the showroom. They mess with those tvs horribly. Either feeding them subpar signals, messing with their settings, and/or usually putting them in the furthest corners of the showroom. Every single salesmen will be happy to point out all the disadvantges of a DLP and point you to an LCD/Plasma instead (they get more commission). A properly setup DLP will be just as good as any LCD/Plasma.

Im talking about 2 people I know that have them…

Like I said… I’ve noticed that they dont seem as bright “pop” as you put it… but i think properly setup they render color/shades a little better

ok good. Thats a fair judgment.