Find me a damn TV...

most users cannot tell the difference between a 720p and a 1080p tv that is under 50 inches. This thread is about TVs so I thought I would not have to spell that out. Spending the extra couple hundred bucks to get a 1080p 42" tv vs the 720p counterpart would be incredibly stupid.

that one

Only phosphorus-based displays (CRT, Plasma) suffer burn-in, LCD physically cannot burn in, just individual pixels can get stuck/go dead.

Sorry sir I missed your question… I though you ment
"we are talking TVs here, NOT computer monitors, wtf?? "

Yes I have noticed it myself. But then again, you dont know me, and I could be blowing smoke up your ass. So it doesnt matter.

you are correct, most users cant tell the difference between 480, 720 or 1080, and they will not notice a 2:3, 4:3 or 5:5 pull down. But thats why they are “most users”.

Most drivers drive hondas, some drive porsches. Are you going to tell a Porsche driver thay dont need a giant tread width, or a xx diameter sway bar? It is the same shit.


a lot of the problem is that people THINK they are badasses, and get on the internet and read tons of shit they know nothing about… then they THINK they can tell a difference… it applies to the either situation… are you telling me MOST porsche drivers can tell the difference in their swaybar? I fucking doubt it.

Pixels get stuck in a certain position…

if you leave an image on an LCD display there long enough… you will see it “burned in” to the screen…

I’ve done it before, i went away for 3 days, left my monitor on without a screen saver and saw the logon screen when the screen was white… if you leave the screen white for a couple of hours it was wash it out… or if you get a pixel program that flashes multiple colors fast to get the pixels “unstuck”

F-ing werd.

let me guess, you saw started to notice all this stuff after you read about it?

Yeah, that’s one problem. Usually in minute numbers and virtually never in groups though.

if you leave an image on an LCD display there long enough… you will see it “burned in” to the screen…

I’ve done it before, i went away for 3 days, left my monitor on without a screen saver and saw the logon screen when the screen was white… if you leave the screen white for a couple of hours it was wash it out… or if you get a pixel program that flashes multiple colors fast to get the pixels “unstuck”

Yeah I just checked up on that, apparently the screen can get polarized getting parts of the image “stuck”. Never had it happen and it’s not the same thing as burn-in and usually goes away, but I guess there is such a thing. Live and learn.

I honestly don’t give a shit what TV you buy, or he buys… or why. I am just throwing in my technical “badass” 2 cents.

Like i mentioned I only met a few of the people on here, so I don’t expect a gracious reach-a-round next time I meet you because I enlightened you on how a TV works.

Bottom line is it depends on the consumer. Because I can see a slight difference in video playback, or hear a slight difference in speakers, or can see a few extra FPS from a video card upgrade… doesn’t mean these devices don’t work as intended. I enjoy finer things, and when my priorities are such these are things I look for before spending allot of money.

i wasn’t directly referring to you with the “badass” thing broseph. I’m saying consumers in general. No need to get all offended.

The reach around won’t happen because I did months of research before my purchase, nothing you have said hasn’t been read on the internets before. All of us on here like nice things, I bought the best tv, with the best features, for the price range i wanted to spend. No need to spend billions more on some shit that prevents some other hypothetical shit that noone will ever see… 240hz gtfo. :gtfo

no big deal… i didnt really take it to heart.

I sometimes get a giddy over little features like 120hz, bitstreaming, Dolby TrueHD/DTS Master audio… all these little things add up to one hell of an experience in my living room.

Hell most people dont even realize that standard DVD’s are in 480! These people wouldnt know 120hz if it slapped them in the face.

Not everyone is technical. That’s why people like me/us have jobs (those who work in IT, etc.)

You can’t expect everyone to know what everything in a computer or tv’s data sheet means.

Come see me in saratoga. I will cut you a sweet deal. WE get sony at great prices

Congrats Chris!

Srs… I’m curious :ninja

Yep, it is hard coded into my IT brain to share my mumbo-jumbo technobabble with the people that ask questions.

I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

laughing at the technically advanced arguments here :smiley:


plasma over any LCD anyday. they now last longer and burn in is practicly impossible. not to mention ass, burn in happens on all TVs whether they are plasma or not.

Funny story…

Our security head once started on a babbling speech about some IT stuff and one of our insurance agents said the following:

Agent - “Hold on hold on…now…I’m not saying I don’t care…but I’m not saying I do care…but I really don’t give a shit or understand shit regarding this stuff that you are talking about…”

We died.

i see ur from selkirk, do u know a charlie biers?

No I don’t think so. I’m 21 approaching 22 if that helps. lol.