Finding a RHD 240 in ontario

what would be the chances of finding a decent rhd 240 for like $3500?
doesnt exactly have to be running, i just want a rhd 89-94


again pretty much no chance

why “wow”
something wrong with me liking rhd cars?

I’d recommend learning about the car first… In JDM land, they’re called 180SX’s…

If you’re referring to the coupes, they’re called Silvias…

240’s didnt come rhd drive, hence wow. check a silvia/180 er some shit g

k, maybe i am trying to learn about the car?
thanks for helping out though(Y)

my recommendation homie g, learn on your own…trust me, if you don’t want people shitting on you for the really noob talk when all this info is out there for you…just a google away.


yea, thanks alot for not “shitting” on me

wikipedia :smiley:

Dude…you asked for the shitting on yourself. Save your money cuz it’s hard to find a good condition 240 for 3500…let alone a rust free JDM S13

i want something to work/ learn on
thought maybe this would be a decent plan to learn about 240s, but apparently i was wrong

nah g in can be done just dont expect to find one right away, my buddy picked up an 88 prelude SI with 60k on it, just took him time, u could prolly find a decent one if u look hard enough nd in the right places
that prelude is sick by the way, drives bran new, hes puttin a h22 in it too, vtec haha i know i know

as gay as hondas are, ive been becoming more interested in them, only if they were rwd.

work on hondas,alot cheaper and millions of parts avaliable

hondas are sick man, dont become a everything hating 240sx driving douchebag, theres enuff already

haha, oh no i dont have anything against hondas, my step dads got a 2002 civic, and its a pretty decent car other then the fact its auto

Shipping costs $3500. Good luck

You can find a 180sx for $4500

180s are sex