F'ing Lackawanna Police!

Everytime Im down there it seems like you can do w/e you want since there are so FEW of them that actually patrol the area it seems…But good to hear that you made it out halfway decent.:shoot:

what shop was it?

why the fuck did they tow the car?!?!?!?

Millers on Abbot. I bet they have some fucking deal between them to tow cars and get the $. also, if it was just a tow from millers, why the fuck did it cost $85 to go a half mile?

i know man, bullshit. I’ve never heard of a car being towed for no inspection. only a month off too. I was nice to the guy, etc. i mean i had nothing wrong with the car, there was nothing that stopped it from passing inspection.

and the jerks just left me on south park in the middle of fucking nowhere in the dark, and pouring rain

you should have called me man, i live like 10 min away…

Reason #1541234509 why I wouldn’t want to be a cop: For every 99 good cops, there’s one dick in a bad mood on a power trip that gives the rest of them a bad name.

That sucks dude, way the fuck uncalled for.

That sucks. Should have given me a call, I have a multimeter. I had almost the same thing happen to me in Cheektowaga. They towed my car 2 blocks up Harlem & charged me $110 to tow (AWD - charged extra for dolly for rear wheels)

I used to get pulled over all the time for extremely expired inspection stickers, like two colors too old (or none on the car at all) in my hatch or my z28, as they were summer cars and since I never drove them much I would never bother to have it done. Not once was a tow even mentioned.

That sucks man :tdown:

that really sucks…glad you got it back ok though :slight_smile:

:wtf: Gonna check his current output and system voltage to make sure his alternator isn’t putting out too many watts? Gonna start tracing wires to make sure everything is connected properly?

my harness got raped, they pretty viciously tore it out. just pulled. some wires were shorted out, and had to find an alternative accessory power

one of the older Miller boys is also one of the higher ups in LAPD.

dude at least yur car’s ok it would blow if it had gotten fucked up thats a postive

Sorry to hear that man.

I love it how people always chime in saying “oh they were just doing their job” and yet if the same thing happened to them they would be pissed off. I know I would be pissed if I was left in an unfamiliar area late at night with no money etc.

and the fact that you can treat an officer with the utmost respect and they still act like a douchebag to you is pretty stereotypical. I’ve had encounters with the same type so I know exactly what your talking about.

It seems like the assholes get out of tickets more often tho. From my experience, im 3-3 on getting pulled over and ticketed for being mr. nice guy.

in nys only trucks and suvs can have tine on the side windows

My inspection sticker fell off :frowning: I don’t want to pay for a new one. I’m really not sure how, even.

dre if u got my number i can print u the wiring diagram so u can rewire it. or if u have a couple beers ready ill come to u and wire it. sucks that that shit happend

Damn Dre.

That really is hardly justified.

Anyways, I was threatened a tow one time. It was the 11th day of driving my Lotus (only had the 10 day sticker on), and I got pulled over 5 times that week. Happily they did not tow it.

Sorry dude.


ive been pulled over in the cockord, the jetta, even the bimmer with either a 10 day or nothing at all in the winshield and they let me drive away. dre you have to be leaving something out…