Enough said!
There was a video of the same thing a month ago on digg where firefighters were putting out a shed that was filled with pot and ended up getting high.
Im starting to think their doing it on purpose
Yeah, except for the factual amount of THC injested by the fire fighters. The standards and quantity that fails their drug test. And how that amout injested translates in to literally use of the drug by casual users.
Enough said :roll2:
[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:3,topic:31322"”]
Yeah, except for the factual amount of THC injested by the fire fighters. The standards and quantity that fails their drug test. And how that amout injested translates in to literally use of the drug by casual users.
Enough said :roll2:
LOL i bet 5 minutes back from that fire and they’re all in the kitchen munching out…
why doesn’t article mention any drug screening tests before letting the firefighters continue their shifts?
I’m going to guess its because they were not standing around huffing.
They “failed test after the blaze” I wonder if they would have passed before, I can imagine fire fighting is stressful.
the article said they were wearing air packs
i know i would have taken my air pack OFF :gotme: