Firestone Tires are AWESOME!

So i picked up some Firestone Firehawk SZ50’s last year, used a pair on the rear and replaced them very recently with the other pair.

I put them on the car 2 weekends ago, maybe 1800k’s on them thus far… i drive a lot.

Last night coming home from toronto at 2:30am coming through Grimsby on the QEW this happens (pictures from this afternoon)

tire was located on the rear passenger side, no rubbing.

The wheel was fine though even though i drove 1-2km’s to the next exit for CAA.

Mine subframez r pinkzors than you

just awesome

bad deal,
what did you end up paying for the tires?
i assume you will be writing some letters or making some calls?

btw, these things are Z rated, so technically they should have held up to 200kph+ without issue.

they are firestone, what do you expect?

i remember there being a huge recall on firestone tires a while back

something like 90% of them blowing up or etc

correct me if im wrong, memory is fuzzzzzeh

yeah that is what i thought happened… but i dont think it was all of their tires, just some… this series is from a couple years ago though.

It also just occured to me that the tire looks so fucked because i drove for another km on it after it went flat.


Yeah that’s why they look like that… Weren’t you running mad stretch? The beads probably just popped off. Regardless, still sucks dude. Goodyear FTW.

nah it’s a 245 on an 8.5" wheel

They should call themselves Poostone.

Or, alternatively, Firepoo.

That’s not too bad… Yeah, I’d say they probably zippered then, (ripped parallel to the bead, around the tire), was it loud/violent when it let go? Or did you just notice it was flat?

i’ve had flats before, and driven as much on them as i did this one, and they did not look like this when i took them off.

it was not sudden or violent.

i ddint even know the tire looked like this until this morning.

i thought i ran over something but there is no evidence of that as far as i could see

maybe you were doing a lot faster than 200kph+ then :smiley:

just joking

thank god nothing else happened to you and the car

the recall you are thinking of was for the ford explorer. tires were sold
for 2 or 3 years as OE equipment on all explorers. don’t remeber the size,
this was a while back. i remember it was on 60 Miniutes. tons of lawsuits
followed after that episode.

just curious, how did the tires perform/feel before they decided that
they wanted to kill you?


a lil word, buyin cheap tires is like buyin cheap rims.
they just blow.

Thanks fobwall :slight_smile:

That was the era of the infamous “Explorer rollovers”…as I recall they later discovered it was inappropriate tire sizing instead of Firestone tires necessarily - as everyone switched to Michelin’s and many had the same thing happening.

I however am still weary of Firestone, and this only adds to my conviction.

Glad nothing bad happened Bing…

visit that site for all the info you could need

bing do those pics at the top look familiar?? :slight_smile:

another point that you guys might consider that makes this even more messed up is that these tires are literally amoung the most expensive tires out there…

from, who has great pricing they want $1126 for 4 tires for the reasonably small size of 215/50/17 - thats not even installed!

148 reported deaths??

That’s tragic! :frowning:

But I guess there’s one other benefit to tracking your car though, you’re more likely to handle an extreme situation correctly…although i’m guessing the Explorer owners didn’t have much of a chance to recover anything… :?

LOL the first pic looks hot… looks like a 195 on a 10inch wide rim jdm tite!

$1126 for 4 tires isnt cheap at all…cost more then most ppls rims here