firewall swap

hey, anyone ever thought about doing a firewall swap?
how much would it be to do somthing like this, and how much would it cost?

why would you want to swap the firewall? and replace it with what?

carbin fiber :slight_smile: lol im sure soem guys do it. since alot of them cut holes and crap in them to modify when they change up the engines or what not.
but why do it?

To convert to RHD?

buy a new car.

nothing needs to be cut out to convert, its interchangeable can be used with both rhd and lhd, my buddy is in the middle of his rhd swap right now.

sorry i wasnt being clear, i was thinking buy a rhd car and convert it to a lhd

There has been a hand full of people on who have converted their LHD firewall to RHD… its pretty damn simple. You cut some new holes on the right side for the master cylinders and then a whole for the steering column then you get a couple small pieces of steel plate and cover up the 3 holes on the left side where everything original was…

Pretty much the “only” part you actually need is a RHD steering rack (or vis-vera if you wanna go RHD - LHD)

But removing the fire wall and welding in a new one isnt exactly a good idea for quite a few reasons which most people should be able to figure out on their own…